oil tops $110 a barrel

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I think that Iraq would have been under control a long time ago if it wasn't for neighboring countries interfering.
one of the main problelems ( according to a marine budy of mine over there) is people comming in, getting weapons and training from our troops, the using those weapons and training against our boys the following day.
Of course, the dramatic rise in the price of oil in the last 7+ years has nothing at all to do with the secret group headed up by oilman and VP Dick Cheney who began meetings in the White House almost the month they took power in January of 2001. Among those who have been revealed to have met in those secret meetings was Kenneth Lay of Enron. But again, I am sure that has nothing to do with the eventual rise of oil prices. I guess thats why they want to keep secret the names of the corporate execs who participated in those discussions of energy policy ---- because they had nothing to do with the eventual skyrocketing price of oil and the record profits reaped by the oil companies.:D

If you believe that I have a great deal on the Brooklyn Bridge for you. If you are on the West Coast, I can make that the Golden Gate Bridge.
I'm in the market for a small portion fo the St. Louis arch, do you have any of that available?
Agent.... the Arch is taken until the end of the year but then the option on advertising and condo rights comes up. I will get back with you at that time.
Of course, the dramatic rise in the price of oil in the last 7+ years has nothing at all to do with the secret group headed up by oilman and VP Dick Cheney who began meetings in the White House almost the month they took power in January of 2001. Among those who have been revealed to have met in those secret meetings was Kenneth Lay of Enron. But again, I am sure that has nothing to do with the eventual rise of oil prices. I guess thats why they want to keep secret the names of the corporate execs who participated in those discussions of energy policy ---- because they had nothing to do with the eventual skyrocketing price of oil and the record profits reaped by the oil companies.:D

If you believe that I have a great deal on the Brooklyn Bridge for you. If you are on the West Coast, I can make that the Golden Gate Bridge.

wouldn't undermining the financial stability of our nation for personal profit be grounds for treason? and you know what they do to the treasonous in america, don't you? :D

Of course, the dramatic rise in the price of oil in the last 7+ years has nothing at all to do with the secret group headed up by oilman and VP Dick Cheney who began meetings in the White House almost the month they took power in January of 2001. Among those who have been revealed to have met in those secret meetings was Kenneth Lay of Enron. But again, I am sure that has nothing to do with the eventual rise of oil prices. I guess thats why they want to keep secret the names of the corporate execs who participated in those discussions of energy policy ---- because they had nothing to do with the eventual skyrocketing price of oil and the record profits reaped by the oil companies.:D

If you believe that I have a great deal on the Brooklyn Bridge for you. If you are on the West Coast, I can make that the Golden Gate Bridge.

Careful, some people on this forum might consider this as a conspiracy against the United States and ask you to leave the country for being so unpatriotic.:rolleyes:
Samuel Johnson 1775

"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."
Especially lately, I think a lot of it has to do with the decline of the dollar. If the dollar loses value it won't buy the same amount of oil. So you need more dollars to buy the same amount of oil. You needed a million Deutsch Marks to buy an egg after WWI because they kept printing money but it had nothing to back it up. Same thing here. Our government keeps spending money that it doesn't have and keeps printing more. I think your seeing the same thing with price increases at Sideshow. It is costing more dollars to make the same products it did in the past.
Patriotisim is alot like sugar, or self gratification.
A little is a good thing, but too much can make you go blind.
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anyone who says we went to war with the m iddle east is clearly uninformed. the war was all about bush proving he's got a bigger D*** thanhis dad.
So far he's taken down saddam, had two terms, and screwed up more than his father could of ever hoped for. All that's left is to leave office with a lower approval rating than his father did. he can do that eaisly by going around punching babies or nuns. I'd say go for the nuns, some Babies can kick pretty hard. :monkey3.

Yeah and if Clinton hadn't been so worried about nailing his interns he may have done something about Bin Laden and Al-Quida in those 8 years he had when we knew where they were.
Yeah and if Clinton hadn't been so worried about nailing his interns he may have done something about Bin Laden and Al-Quida in those 8 years he had when we knew where they were.

He tried but the Republican congress continually tried to stop him by decrying that he was spending tax money for a danger that was everything but imminent. I guess it was Clinton's fault for actually trying to do the right thing and get things approved by Congress first unlike a certain someone who just invaded another country without anyones approval.:rolleyes: If it wasn't for Clinton's surplus after he left office, the economy would've been in a recession during the first term of Bush. Clinton may be many things, but he sure as hell was damn good president.
Let me see... 8 years of relative peace and prosperity .... balanced budgets and even a surplus ....

yeah, I can see why people hate Bill Clinton and the job he did while President.
I just wish people would stop being so vitriolic about politics and have a little more respect for people. Those who you who hate Bush are little better than those who hate Clinton. You just have a little more backup. If anyone wants to truly change the system I would recommend to stop pointing fingers, laying blame, and trying to one up the other party and start working together. Some good things might actually get accomplished.
Economics is fair game on the forum, but it seems we can't talk economics without politics rearing it's ugly head.

Please no trash talk about anyone or their personal preference in politics. If we can't get back on track - it's going to be locked.
Let me see... 8 years of relative peace and prosperity .... balanced budgets and even a surplus ....

yeah, I can see why people hate Bill Clinton and the job he did while President.

OK perhaps I hate him cause he let the terrorist attack the WTC and did nothing in response...and there also that huge lie he told the whole world about not having sex with interns....yea what a great guy :rolleyes:
Sorry about losing my temper... :eek:

If you call that a temper I'd hate to see it when you get mad. :Wizard

The world is on its way to hell. The secret illumni is just forging ahead so they can monopolise the environmental fuel sources. Oil wont be the fuel of the future, but it will need oil to lubricate it's wheels regardless of whether it's a fuel or not. There isn't much an individual can do. The steam will keep building pressure till it blows a beauty.

After all this time we are still all greed and need. There is no room for advancement till the walls crumble and something new, something different can be built. The highest stake holders are too scared to do the right thing for fear of loosing their share. Even though people try to work together competition doesn't allow for harmony. It doesn't matter who is in government the treadmill is still no different. Whether it's a recession or good economic times, none of it has ever made a difference to my own personal economic position, even though the country as a whole is said to be better off.

It's always darkest before the dawn.
Yeah and if the media Had not been so concerned about Clinton nailing his interns he may have done something about Bin Laden and Al-Quida in those 8 years he had when we knew where they were.


Oh noes trouble in the millde east, lets declare a grand jury to figure out if bill got his Wang sucked from the left or the right... :rolleyes:

God damn this coountry needs to get it's priorities straight.

Newsflash people ALLMOST EVERY POLITIACAL LEADER HAS HAD ATLEAST ONE MISTRISS! (please note, this line is not directed at the forum, but the mass media)

I could care less who they bang, married or not. Don't know about it and i Don;t want to know, I have as much intrest in hearing about our presidents sexual exploits, as I do walking in on my grandparrents in bondage gear. I Don;t want to know.
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