DouglasMcc said:He didn't kill Mace. He reacted to protect the Chancellor/his friend and father figure. If he was evil or Sith at that point, he would have cut his head off or run him through with his saber. But he didn't.
He didn't kill mace???? Um he cut off his hand leaving him unable to defend himself. He pretty much killed him. In a cour of law he would be an accessory to murder. He might not have been pledged to the Sith but he sure as hell wasn't a Jedi at that point.
DouglasMcc said:However, this act is what pushes Anakin right into Palpatine's outstreached arms. He validates all the nasty little things the Chancellor told Anakin about the Jedi. Remember, Anakin was not there for Palpatines little "I am the Senate" theatrics and he didn't see Palpatine attack first. As far as he knows, Palpatine killed the other Jedi because they were going to do the same thing Mace is about to do - execute him. This really only gives Anakin, in his mind at least, 2 decisions: 1.) Do nothing, let his love die or 2.) react and protect Palpatine. From that point on, he spirals downward.
What he saw and his own selfishness are the final things that help push him into being a full fledged Sith. This event as a whole though is only the final thing that pushes him there are other events in the PT that you see pushing him to being a Sith.
DouglasMcc said:So, up until he commits his first murder (expanded fiction says he kills some Jedi before he gets to the children, but the children are the first on screen) in the name of Palpatine, he is still Anakin and could have turned from the Dark Side. Once he is on Mustafar with Obi-Wan and Padme, he has indeed killed/done too much for his mind to rationize a "return" to the Jedi. The Dark Side, along with his own guilt and inadequacies have rendered him lost to the light.
No, I don't think so. Once he gave himself to Palps it was all over and Anakin died. He was doing everything in the name of his own needs and he had strayed too far from the Jedi way. Again, on top of the other things he had done he was just too far gone.
Vader AL said:he was already consumed with anger and everything else that makes a good little sith....he could have used another means of getting the lightsaber from mace...he was bad...a bad, bad boy. besides he stopped mace for his own selfish needs....saving his wife; also killed a helpless dooku, slaughtered sand people, etc.
Yeah, I agree. All these things just show that he was no long Anakin the Jedi but Vader the Sith.
DouglasMcc said:He had been consumed by anger/ killed Sand People since the Clone Wars started. So, by your scale, he was Darth Vader in AOTC?!? How was Anakin going to stop Mace from attacking the Chancellor? He was just going to take the saber away from the best Jedi fighter that ever lived? I will admit, part of saving Palpatine was selfish... but saving a life to save another life... in the long run, that's not so selfish.
The thing is while that didn't make him Vader then it sure did help him stay true to the Jedi way. He might not have been able to just take the saber away from Mace but whacking his hand off and causing him to get killed wasn't very Jedi like. Now was it? He was saving a life of someone else so he could not have to lose them. That's selfish and remember he isn't supposed to love or be married according to the Jedi way. Again, Anakin isn't doing things the way Jedi are supposed to.
Does anyone else see a pattern here?
DouglasMcc said:I will give you Dooku. However, he was acting on the advice/ pressure of Palpatine - who, at that point was his father figure. He didn't kill Dooku out of revenge.. that why he stopped at first and said, "its not right." Palpatine goaded him into doing it. However, it was one more step on the road from Anakin to Vader. Its just I do not think Anakin turned onto "Darth Drive" until he killed the Jedi/younglings in the temple.
He was killing Dooku for part of those yes but also you don't think it wasn't going through his head. You took my arm. I'm taking your head! He's already show countless times that he tends to do things outside the Jedi way.
Vader AL said:taking a life to save another life is the path to the darkside(in a yoda voice). piece by piece it all starts coming together and when he gave himself to the emperor/dark side in palpy's office he was a sith. sure he could have changed on mustafar like he did at the end of ROTJ but he was a sith in the emperor's office. i don't know if it was palpy's influence or the darkside....i guess a little of both...without both you don't have darth vader.
Yup, totally agree.