Josh, can you string together a logical argument in which you don't contradict yourself in consecutive sentences?
You got me there. I should have thought that out better in the sentence in your quote. I should have finished my thought better in that first sentence. I should have finished it by saying "complaining about like this on the message board."
The main issue, in my opinion, is that the line has been produced over a number of years and has created a lot of dedicated collectors who have sacrificed a lot to build up their collections. To then create a rush job and knock all of the statues, busts, etc in the space of six months is an insult to those collectors.
They are not creating a rush job. They are hitting their shipping marks by getting stuff in the quarter they said. They never gave an exact month cause things happen that could cause it to maybe be in the first month of Q3 but it gets delayed to the second month when a couple of other items just happen to get done. That just simply falls into the @#%$ happens categorie. No, they are insulting themselves by not better planning their finances to prepare incase they decide to order all 5 items that might hit in the same quarter. Again, people need quit making excuses and step up and admit they @#%$ up by ordering everything that shipped in the same quarter.
I am majorly pissed! Seriously, I think it's very poor planning
It is poor planning buy "US" the buyers for having to have everything that ships in the same quarter.
I'm supposed to be going to Prague for new year and on another holiday in december as well as owing people lots of money and there's just no way I can afford everything.
I had to underline part of this. That totally makes my point. People cannot simply afford everything. So why do people think they have to order everythin the when the stuff ships on time @#%$ cause they made the date. Its not SS fault, bowen, etc for hitting their dates its "OUR" fault as buyers for not keeping that itchy trigger finger in check.
I've been drawing up lists of what I could sell and it's been my dream for a long time to have allof these things displayed together, think of the quality on show!
I totally understand that wanting to own all the SSW stuff. Its somethin I would like to do myself well with the statues that is. However, if its "THAT" important to you to own all the SSW statues, busts, helms, etc then you may have to make concessions with your trips or the money your spending elsewhere.
So when you're in THAT situation and then you get five shipping notices as soon as you switch your computer on, you can't blame people for cursing Sideshow for not thinking of their collectors.
I understand the feeling of SOB man five things at once and trying to figure how thats going to work financially, but I don't blame them I blame myself for not being able to say "NO" I won't order all the items shipping in the same quarter.
It is not bitching, it is serious upset and alarm, particularly for me and for anyone else who has a life outside of Sideshow.
People should be upset at themselves for ordering everything that came up to order. Especially, when a person (yes even me

) has a life outside SS.
The majority of people 'complaining' about shipping aren't knocking Sideshow's ability to produce high quality product, they're knocking the fact they'll be in the frustrating scenario of having to sacrifice a few orders and not knowing when or if they'll be able to purchase those pieces for retail at a later date.
I'm not saying anything about people complaining about the quality of the SS product. I'm talking about the complaints that its SS fault they have too much on order. You can't always blame someone else for your problems. As the Rolling Stones said You don't always get what you want.
At last, you are putting Josh in his place!
What am I not exactly being Civil about? I'm just saying that be an adult and don't blame someone else for ordering too much stuff.
Off topic I know, but Dave, seeing as you are clearly familiar with the use of the apostrophe, can you educate Josh in its usage?
See now your getting personal.