Old Ben Shipping Experiment

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Wonder if he's right then because he seems wayy down on the list and like everyone else Im still at order placed and im about 6th.
2007-06-07 17:10:32 NV
Wow, it looks like I was the first of us to get through on that crazy morning. It was a web order and I'm still at Order Placed.

I'm not updated in the first post, but I'm pretty sure I'm still the first of us to order online and I'm still at order placed. :confused:
I would have thought soething would start showing up... But often times these are sent out after 7pm Cali-time, right?
How strange that I'm the only one here so far that shows Ben shipping soon, and it's been several days since the notice. I'm pretty much the farthest away (in the continental US).

Hopefully it ships out soon. REALLY looking forward to this figure.
Mine still says reservation submitted. :monkey2

I did just get on the exclusive waitlist just last week though. Damn Atom Hues and his purty pics!!
Mine changed to item shipping soon last night. Then I got a shipping notice from UPS and thought that was it but it was some stands that I ordered last week.
Well I will start worrying if folk in CA don't have their Q notices by Wednesday night. If that doesn't happen, no Old Ben for me until after Christmas.
MRMForceX on RS just reported his status just changed to Item Shipping Soon!!!

All you Californians ought to check yours now too!!!! :D