The Danger
Super Freak
A true masterpiece by an unbelievably humble and talented dude. Congratulations to everyone who managed to get one of these, this is a true keeper.
OHHHH! You ruined Se7en for me.
A true masterpiece by an unbelievably humble and talented dude. Congratulations to everyone who managed to get one of these, this is a true keeper.
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :S (I watched Se7en for the first time 3 weeks ago haha)
haha. Forums are a dangerous place
Thanks for the kind words man ^^
Johnny is including a stand for the fullset dudes
Johnny is including a stand for the fullset dudes
Got it payment TurdFerguson, thanks man
Put me on the waitlist for everything in case you consider doing a second run in the future. :X
Unfortunately I don't think there will be a second run, . But there are folks who just wanted the sculpt that hasn't contacted me yet about the sculpt, I'll give them a week to reply, if they don't the sculpts are up for grabs, BUT I will go through the wait listed people first.
So what you're saying about the second run... is there is still a chance. A smalllll chance...
That's what I like to read! I know this was Turd's grail. He's only made like 1000 Oh Daesu's!
Congrats Chris!
Mega excited about this!!!!!!
Haha you and me both Chris, although your customs are really awesome too man, gonna be an army of awesome Oh Dae-Su!
Awe shucks. Thanks, dude.
Unfortunately I don't think there will be a second run, . But there are folks who just wanted the sculpt that hasn't contacted me yet about the sculpt, I'll give them a week to reply, if they don't the sculpts are up for grabs, BUT I will go through the wait listed people first.
Johnny, can you please add me to the haired head wait list in case people drop out, I really want one also.thanks