Re: <> DX10 T2 T800 - OMG Photo Review - P1~2 / Collection P13 <>
Amazing how we all (not just you and I) see things differently. Just using Terminator stuff for see bunch of Robert Patrick in the t-1000 sculpt but I don't however I see almost spot on Arnold in the DX10 sculpt (and correct me if I'm wrong) but you don't
...joker said it best "it's a funny world we live in"

I disagree, I think it looks a lot like Robert Patrick. To each his own.
Amazing how we all (not just you and I) see things differently. Just using Terminator stuff for see bunch of Robert Patrick in the t-1000 sculpt but I don't however I see almost spot on Arnold in the DX10 sculpt (and correct me if I'm wrong) but you don't