Yeah I'm changing my to a bigger body to get the correct body shape.
Nice, very nice. Great detail down to blemishes on the skin. Its a shame there's no wrist articulation, that limits the hero poses quite abit. Love that Headsculpt at certain angles, just pure Snake!
Now Hot Toys Solid Snake please!
Looking at the figure i can see where your coming from now, but i think its right at the edge just shy of being too big imo.
And you are right apparently BigBoss' body was designed to be like Arnies rather than Solids Jean Claude according to Kojima
WHAT? Seriously, there's no wrist articulation? That's pretty ridiculous, if true.
And it seems the boots pretty much kill any ankle articulation, so you won't be getting any decent sneaking poses out of this figure).
Err that's not new, it's been known since it went up for P.O.
Well it probably has articulation but can't move much because of the glove
Solid Slug look at all the concept sketches particular the ones without shirt. He's huge. The designers even said they modeled his physique off Arnold to be a more rough and tumble fighter character than Solid.
Arnold body...hmmmm. You guys have some magnifying effect on your tv-screensHe is rather muscular in MGS3, but I would say that he is still closer to Van Damme or Stallone than Arnie or other bodybuilder. I haven't used much that naked camo in the game, but I would say that he is more lean than some bodybuilder.
I want the next SolidSnake to be a prequel so he can fight like he used to, or like in the last boss fight in MGS4. Like in this vid:The designers even said they modeled his physique off Arnold to be a more rough and tumble fighter character than Solid.
Haven't been keeping up, so it's new to me. It's not acceptable, in my opinion.
I want the next SolidSnake to be a prequel so he can fight like he used to, or like in the last boss fight in MGS4.
Dude look at the glove, its kinda plain to see why. Again its not HotToys fault.
It's not as good as I wanted it to be, but heck with it.
And make him look just like the game!