<> OMG Photo Bank - BANDAI METAL STRUCTURE 解体匠機 RX 93 νガンダム REVIEW - P853 <>

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Re: <> TDKR BANE - OMG Photo Review <>

No. A jab at people who seem to think we should all love it because it's a) Bane, and b) we might not get another Bane.

So a jab at me then? Terrific!

Its the truth. If you don't like it don't buy it! Simple thought process, right?

We might not get another Bane. People didn't care for Dent and now people want him but can't get him. So don't bash us (oh look shiny things) that do enjoy it. I'm not bashing you for not liking it- thats your choice and more power to you.
Re: <> TDKR BANE - OMG Photo Review <>

Your parts box must be more severe. The proper hands aren't all that hard to find. I honestly plan on just putting these arms on the Bane body.



I just hope the skintones are close enough.

Is it easy enough to switch the arms over from the TT's? Never done it before but would be awesome to be able to get bane into that pose. It was kind of his signature pose.
Re: <> TDKR BANE - OMG Photo Review <>

Not really. You have to gently pry off the rubber torsos first. One you've done that, its pretty simple to swap the arms. It can be kinda tough getting the torso back on after though. So its not the most difficult task in the world, but its not that difficult either. Heck, if I'm able to do it, most should to :lol

I only figured out how to do this when a muscle body's shoulder joint broke. I figured the figure was ruined anyway, so I might as well try to fix it. I was able to swap he shoulder joint out with an extra from a broken TT and successfully fixed the arm :yess: So I ended up saving the body and developed a useful customizing skill in the process. Now I'll (hopefully) be able to have a Bane that can have his signature pose :rock
Re: <> TDKR BANE - OMG Photo Review <>

I think that the only option we don't have with this type o hands is the following...


but...we can make the other very dramatic pose!


If you search for appropriate palms look for ACI Spartakus hands...:wink1:
Re: <> TDKR BANE - OMG Photo Review <>

Not really. You have to gently pry off the rubber torsos first. One you've done that, its pretty simple to swap the arms. It can be kinda tough getting the torso back on after though. So its not the most difficult task in the world, but its not that difficult either. Heck, if I'm able to do it, most should to :lol

I only figured out how to do this when a muscle body's shoulder joint broke. I figured the figure was ruined anyway, so I might as well try to fix it. I was able to swap he shoulder joint out with an extra from a broken TT and successfully fixed the arm :yess: So I ended up saving the body and developed a useful customizing skill in the process. Now I'll (hopefully) be able to have a Bane that can have his signature pose :rock

Hmm, sounds interesting. I'm not a customiser in any sense so most stuff worries me. Haha. Would be awesome to be able to have bane in the classic pose though. I feel it's kind of essential to his character to be able to do that. Think I'll wait for someone else to do it first and see how easy it is and how well it turns out. :lol fingers crossed it goes well though.
Re: <> TDKR BANE - OMG Photo Review <>

So a jab at me then? Terrific!

Its the truth. If you don't like it don't buy it! Simple thought process, right?

We might not get another Bane. People didn't care for Dent and now people want him but can't get him. So don't bash us (oh look shiny things) that do enjoy it. I'm not bashing you for not liking it- thats your choice and more power to you.

Then please don't suggest I should be thankful for a flawed figure, as you did. HT don't do me a favour by making them. I do them a favour by buying it, and I don't see that I, or anyone else, should just accept a Bane figure because it's made. I find the very notion truly offensive.

If you like it, that's fine. Don't care. But don't suggest I should overlook some very fundamental flaws and errors in the figure merely because we might not get another Bane.

I mean... look at it....

Vest. Horridly inaccurate, and the wrong colour. Hasbro 1995.
Pants. Too tight. Not a deal breaker, but still not accurate.
Mask. It's eating his face!
Traps. He has none.
Elbows. Not double jointed, can't do what has become an iconic pose.

Maybe if a few more people were a little more critical of HT instead of the Stockholm Syndromish "oh, god, thank you HT this is my dreams come true" I see so regularly, the standards of their products wouldn't be on the decline.
Re: <> TDKR BANE - OMG Photo Review <>

oh, God, thank you ht this is my dreams come true!

bane! yay!

: D
Re: <> TDKR BANE - OMG Photo Review <>

Maybe if a few more people were a little more critical of HT instead of the Stockholm Syndromish "oh, god, thank you HT this is my dreams come true" I see so regularly, the standards of their products wouldn't be on the decline.

Sounds sort of like a boycott. I agree with you on that, however we'd play hell trying to get enough people on our side.
Re: <> TDKR BANE - OMG Photo Review <>

oh, God, thank you ht this is my dreams come true!

bane! yay!

: D


Sounds sort of like a boycott. I agree with you on that, however we'd play hell trying to get enough people on our side.

I cheerfully boycott any figure I don't think is good enough. I'd love a Bane. Not going to be this one though. :(

Doc, I don't mean to come across as brusque, or rude, I just found what you said rubbed a raw nerve. No offense is meant. :)
Re: <> TDKR BANE - OMG Photo Review <>

OMG has done it again! However if you look at the other picture threads on Facebook of Bane like Luka, they have really come up with some impressive poses. :horror
Re: <> TDKR BANE - OMG Photo Review <>

Then please don't suggest I should be thankful for a flawed figure, as you did. HT don't do me a favour by making them. I do them a favour by buying it, and I don't see that I, or anyone else, should just accept a Bane figure because it's made. I find the very notion truly offensive.

If you like it, that's fine. Don't care. But don't suggest I should overlook some very fundamental flaws and errors in the figure merely because we might not get another Bane.

I mean... look at it....

Vest. Horridly inaccurate, and the wrong colour. Hasbro 1995.
Pants. Too tight. Not a deal breaker, but still not accurate.
Mask. It's eating his face!
Traps. He has none.
Elbows. Not double jointed, can't do what has become an iconic pose.

Maybe if a few more people were a little more critical of HT instead of the Stockholm Syndromish "oh, god, thank you HT this is my dreams come true" I see so regularly, the standards of their products wouldn't be on the decline.

But what you are seeing as flawed, others don't. That doesn't make either viewpoint wrong. Its just 2 points of view. I personally don't see all the flaws you're pointing out. That doesn't make me right and you wrong. We just see things differently.

And you continue to mock people that like this figure.

Can't you make your points without belittling those who have opinions that differ from yours?
Re: <> TDKR BANE - OMG Photo Review <>

i still can't get over the fact the nose bridge area of the mask is "wrong", makes him looks like the mask is embedded to his head...
Love these pics OMG! great job as usual

Many Bothans died to bring you this information...
Re: <> TDKR BANE - OMG Photo Review <>


Not doing the standard crossed-arms or hands on the hip stance. It's unique and adds something different.

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