Super Freak
Seeing as how it'd be out of character for her, I'd be pretty unimpressed. But if she was into dolls when we first met, it probably wouldn't have put me off dating her. So long as it didn't interfere with what we had going on, I'd see it as just another sex toy. If she started confiding in it and talking to it about what school our kids should go to, that'd be taking it too far.
Personally I'm not into it. I couldn't fathom going to all the effort tbh. Maybe that's what people find weird about it. The time and care it takes to prepare and maintain a sex doll for an act that most men just want to get over with as a bit of routine prostate maintenance and stress relief kind of implies an attachment that is a bit... unappealing to see in a grown man.
Also, these things cost around $7K... that buys a lot of appointments at the local rub n' tug.
As Weenie said, if someone is paying that much for essentially fantasy ass (because, unless you're Bill Gates, it's beyond masturbation at that point), there're deeper issues to address.
Even a 1:1 completely accurate goth ScarJo?
Would you lick the seat of a fairgrounds port-a-potty?