Super Freak
Thank you JAWS! That top down lighting shows that the seam is pretty much unnoticeable at so many great angles.
Ah your freaking nuts Spidey!
This is better the original IMO(in pics anyways). I don't know how you can look at that photo and say what you just said... Other then you are so set on wanting a modern face sculpt (I don't blame you and Ex red is Killer)
I thought you would think that was a great shot and why I PMed you...
That is a scary looking Hulk... He looks like you just really Pissed him off and you are in deep poop.
I wish this was the Ex and the Red Hulk ex painted green was the reg.... Wait no I don't... I would have to buy 2 then so I could display both.
Your red hulk final flex was moved to march?
Lol I just noticed your PM m8. Honestly, it is all about the headsculpt for me and I HATE the DOPEY looking EX on this one. Honestly, it is just my opinion thought
What is this hulk buster hand I keep hearing about
Well screw your opinion!!!
Just kidding I completely respect it. I guess since there hasn't been a consistent series in which I've fallen in love with a modern hulk art, I feel less patio atwell about the head sculpts. I personally really like the reg. Which is rare. But I'd also be interested if someone did a custom head that was of quality.
Spidey976.........we get it, you don't like the head sculpt. Move on so the rest of us Hulk freaks can drool in
See nothing I see there makes me want this.... Maybe if it was the regular head I would feel differently. The Rulk Ex head on that sculpt looks amazing, but I don't like it all enough to buy the RUlk and then have it repainted.
The fact is m8 I haven't been a fan of the headsculpts on this from the get go. Well I loved the one, but they put it n the wrong colour Hulk. However, I. The end that is all good. We all have our own personal tastes, and like I said before this was motivation for me to get off my ass and make something I want. I am getting some help from some really talented guys so hopefully it all works out in the end.
Hopefully SSC releases a modern raging Hulk PF in the future. That's the piece I'm still waiting on after all these years. I'll take one from XM or SSC. If it's SSC, I just hope Andy isn't involved with the head sculpts. Everything I've seen on an Andy B Hulk looks straight Kirby. The next Hulk PF should have a more modern feel. I hope Gore Group will be working on it. I think Martin and the boys would just nail a raging modern Hulk PF.
Hopefully SSC releases a modern raging Hulk PF in the future. That's the piece I'm still waiting on after all these years. I'll take one from XM or SSC. If it's SSC, I just hope Andy isn't involved with the head sculpts. Everything I've seen on an Andy B Hulk looks straight Kirby. The next Hulk PF should have a more modern feel. I hope Gore Group will be working on it. I think Martin and the boys would just nail a raging modern Hulk PF.