if the drones were able to open the breach then it should have stayed open. thats the problem, once the breach is open it shouldn't be able to close. it is not like a door, the breach was literally a Rip in the ocean between dimensions. a rip that took a nuclear bomb to close off.
what you're saying is a little confusing. You say it shouldn't be able to close but it DOES close. The fact is, neither movie states what opened or what keeps the breach open
Now they were treating it like an elevator door.... even if the Drones had the DNA to open it, (which it was NEVER said that the Kaiju opened the portal, it opened on its own by the aliens but it basically ripped the ocean floor) Even if they had the force and dna material to open it.....
I don't think they're using DNA to open it. The DNA is just how they are able to pass through. It's like a security measure.
The breach then should have stayed open again, because disabling the drones would not stop the hole from being opened. it would be like cutting a hole in a bottle of soda, you cannot just stop the soda because you remove the knife... thats such nonsense this movie is such garbage...
I'm not sure I understand how this analogy applies. Because this logic suggests the breach wouldn't be able to close at all..which it does.
Also in the first movie they state that what's happening in the movie isn't the first time. They suggest the precursors sent kaiju to earth to colonize it back in prehistoric times. They allude to Kaiju being the reason for dino extinction. They failed however, because of the atmosphere, but because of mans pollution of the earth over the following years, it made it so the precursors/kaiju could better survive. So I'm sure there's a method to closing the portal besides detonating a bomb because they would have had to close it back then...I'm sure the dinosaurs or prehistoric man didn't
I can accept that the Kaiju drones opened the breach with their DNA somehow but the closing of it is completely irrational. specially if it opened big enough for 3 category 4 kaijus to come out. the breach was fully open at that point. the sequel for this could have been about the breach being opened again.
Again, the DNA isn't a factor in opening it. It's a security system, like an eyeball scan. The fact that it's big enough for three kaiju can also be explained if you understand the precursors plan from the first movie. They were sending kaiju periodically to clear the earth, then when it was at a certain phase they started sending 2...then 3 etc. This was their "extinction" level phase where the kaiju were exterminating the remains (which is where Uprising then adds the terraforming stuff which conflicts with the first movie, but let's not get into that lol)... In Uprising it's obvious they had been manufacturing Kaiju over the 10 year gap in order to send them all at once. So they used the Earthside resources to build the drones which could open portals big enough
I know I mentioned that the portal could be self sustaining, but if you watch the clip I posted it's not actually confirmed...it's only mentioned that the breach could stabilize. If these breaches opened by the drones were not stabilized...which I doubt they were in such a short time...they would close as soon as the power source (the drones) is destroyed...which is what happened.
what a stupid movie seriously