Padawan Pete's 1/6 customs

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Also making progress on my ash, just need to die the shirt blue and decide if i amgoing to make it the intact shirt or the ripped one from the end of evil dead 2 and the beggining army of darkness.

I painted the body and made cuts just incase i go for the ripped ed2/aod one

made the harness thing and stole some stuff of the sideshow ash and got some new bits and bobs for him off ebay.
Hi guys not updated in a while but here is a 1/6 link i am working on for my bro. The head was sculpted by me and the body is a medicom because it fits his buld more.

Sorry for the small pic btw i not shore why the big ones are not working :-S
cool! Link!

Always wanted to try a custom of him, can't wait to see how yours turns out, it's looking great so far.

Keep me updated on this one.
Hi Pete, mate! Great stuff.

I esecially like that neo. Which sideshow body is it? Just a standard buck? I'll have those triad toys clothes soon and was wondering which body to use!

Glad you updated the thread mate as otherwise I wouldnt have found it! Gotta say that part about Darren getting you laid had me in stitches :lol:

I'm doing a custom Neo so i'll let you know how it turns out!
Thought it was about time i updated this thread.
Here is my finished ash rom evil dead 2 thanks to the great resculpt by dark artist :rock


That Ash is fantastic!!! WOW!!!! You'll definitely get laid when the girls see that one. :D

Lol thanks but thankfully i have a lovely girlfriend now so dont need to steal Darren's thunder (painting skills) to get layed :cool:

Glad you all like my ash and thanks for the comments guys.
Finally had a bit of time after moving to take some pics of some of my figs.
These are of my custom bespin Luke.


the body its a custom one made from a hot toys body. The outfit is the sideshow one take apart then sewn back to fit better.

The amazing repaint is by darren carnall


Thanks for looking guys and thanks for another great repaint Darren :cool:
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Jist a WIP pic of my Ash V2 i am working on at the moment

gonna give him a neck joint and use a new head sculpt by a forum member
That Luke is awesome man...maybe the only 1/6 version of Luke I've seen that I would be proud to display :bow