Also making progress on my ash, just need to die the shirt blue and decide if i amgoing to make it the intact shirt or the ripped one from the end of evil dead 2 and the beggining army of darkness.
I painted the body and made cuts just incase i go for the ripped ed2/aod one
made the harness thing and stole some stuff of the sideshow ash and got some new bits and bobs for him off ebay.
Hi guys not updated in a while but here is a 1/6 link i am working on for my bro. The head was sculpted by me and the body is a medicom because it fits his buld more.
Sorry for the small pic btw i not shore why the big ones are not working :-S
I esecially like that neo. Which sideshow body is it? Just a standard buck? I'll have those triad toys clothes soon and was wondering which body to use!
Glad you updated the thread mate as otherwise I wouldnt have found it! Gotta say that part about Darren getting you laid had me in stitches :
I'm doing a custom Neo so i'll let you know how it turns out!