1/6 Pangaea 1/6 Greek General collectable figure All New pictures!

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This is already shipping?! Damn, with all my expenses this month there's no way I will be able to buy one. I hope some will still be available in January.. or maybe Feb, hell I probably wont have it until march. :banghead
Woah damn, already? Hmm...might have to have my supplier hold on to it for a while before I can get mine. :/
Well, it usually takes about ten days from shipment to reception, but I've got a lot of things coming my way from HK and China and I've noticed that recently, probably because of Xmas and the increased traffic, things tend to be slower...
Anyone seen these? Not sure if they're Pangaea stuff, saw it in OSR on FB.

Must be, but damn, those pics are not doing the figure any favours...
The helmet looks way too big, and the lighting makes the weathering look particularly bad.
I hope we see better pics soon, 'cause this does not instil much confidence.
Yep. If the helmet is too big, I'll probably just have him hold it instead of wearing it. :(
It doesn't look like a high-end collectible here. Doesn't seem like a $150 figure :/

Maybe the flash makes it look worse? Idk. I'm really trying to be optimistic.
Flash always makes everything look bad, but the size of the helmet is what it is...
Good thing I haven't sold my kit-bashed Achilles yet.