Any thought on what body could come closer to BP's physique?
Where did find one? I've been looking all around for one.
Toy Anxiety had a few loose on their site but it looks like they're all gone now except for the AA tone versions
they have 2 boxed though:
This one is loose but doesn't come with joints. I've never had one of these bodies so idk if it takes HT pegs or not:
Cotswold also has them boxed:
I picked up the CM toys all rubber body it's pretty lean in the torso which is how BP was in Troy. And I think it will work great since the legs are exposed on this
got my CM Toys body in today and it looks great! Color looks fine and matches most typical caucasian skin toneson today's figures. I'll just be adding a bit of color/detail to the veins. It has good articulation as well for a full rubber figure
Did you get the HJ001 or HJ002?