i remember the old days when i was still young and stupid

custom built those monster computers with expensive lian li cases, special cooling fans that looked like from the matrix movie set and giant power supply etc.. for bragging rights. Spending hours figuring out the jumpers and clock speed/ratio settings (back then the motherboards are nowhere as easy to setup as nowadays, you need to set all that **** up manually). The thing sure is powerful but also sounded like a vacuum with led lights and wires going all over the place.
But as i get older my taste changed, now i just have a 27" iMac with a single wire to the wall socket. Big beautiful screen, super quiet, and very clean to look at. The funny thing most people dont realize is it's also a pretty powerful gaming rig, it's a miracle of engineering done by apple - to fit a 2gb geforce gtx 675mx chip, i7 cpu and ssd all inside the monitor. I can run any game on it at max setting without issues in windows 7 mode, yet do all my other work using the much more elegant mac osx without ever having to deal with microsoft crap or virus. Not to mention fully synced with my iphone and ipad. Sure the game may have 35 fps at max setting vs 50 fps from a custom pc but who really cares, it made very little difference in the real world once you go above 25 fps.
Cant imagine myself ever going back to the old days of those giant pc boom boxes that can also substitute as a heater in the winter.
Just finished the new xcom, as a standalone game it was fine, but was such a big disappointment coming from the original. It captured some of the mechanics but not the soul of the original game. All you do is push forward linearly on a small map, there is very little suspense and the nervous feel as you search house to house for that 1-2 sneaky bastards like in the original - you know exactly where the aliens will be in the new version. Nor does it have any of the original's ai, those aliens are retarded once you made a few key tech upgrades.
The game was such a big let down as i had very high expectations from all those promos about trying to keep it true to the original. Havent played a game since, really slim picking right now. Maybe the new lara croft after it goes into the bargain bin in a month or two...
also blizzard and starcraft can go ****** themselves, bad enough to break up a game storyline into 3 games, you then force the fans to wait 2 years for the next chapter, which is nothing more than some cgi and few extra units. So done with this game, dont even remember the story and not buying the other chapters.
Diablo 3 was fine, but nothing left to do, did make close to $1000 though selling random crap picked up in the game(didnt even try to farm), in their real money auction(wtf in their right mind will pay $200 for a virtual weapon? i guess those guys will say wtf will pay $400 for a statue? so all fair) , but not sure how to get the money out as blizzard doesnt let you transfer out the money.
/random rant off