Very nice. Congrats!
I'm also going to get a new graphics card... At some point. Got the 770 GTX. Will go for a 980 Ti.
i don't mind dips to high 40s and mid 50s .. well than again i never experienced a 60fps game dipping to those numbers, so Unity will be the First n see how it feels
is it as bad as a 30fps game dipping to low 20s? to me consistant 30fps is playable and smooth "in console theory"
and i'll be gaming with the PC on a 55" tv, so i'm sure Jaggies will be present.
So new batman game appears to be a poorly optimized port.
3440x1440, 4790K, 16GB, GTX 980 and the only game I play is League of Legends.![]()
That's what I figured, thanks. For a second I thought they may have patched it.
Needs to be 120 though..maybe they'll unlock it one day.
Does downscale actually work "through DSR"? like does it harm the Monitor or in my Case my TV? if i play 1440p on a 1080p Native TV, am i risking anything?
Yeah, they're really taking their sweet time for the patch. How's your game running, by the way?