Statue PCS 1/3 Scorpion Statue

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Ive started to live off tin food lately. But until MK that was mostly due to my beer habits, Ive now cut beer and food for my collections
Quit drinking a few months ago too. Cut down on eating out too. I still enjoy life but cut a few things here and there to make just enough room :)

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Yep, they got me! I think it's time for a clear out. Hopefully it will pay for half of Scorpion for me.

I'm not going to flip my orders tho!:lol

LOL, yip im selling all none important stuff 2 so i can make room and have cash. I am so hoping they dont do a Transformers, it would be great but deadly on me wallet. Something about the new scorpion that has me hooked on popculture shock now. Would love arh statues, but cant get from my supplier, so oh well Jerry will be getting all my collector money now:lol
Quit drinking a few months ago too. Cutndiwnmon eating out too. I still enjoynligr but cit a few things here and there to make just enough room :)

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
:rotfl dam u Jerry for being so great
Here you go, the skull head sculpt!




If I didn't have so much cash wrapped up in other lines, I'd jump at this **** in a second!
Damn BRI didn't realize all the damn spelling errors until you quoted me lol


Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
LOL im at work, no time to check spelling, write, breath and avoid the boss.
If I didn't have so much cash wrapped up in other lines, I'd jump at this **** in a second!
Ive given up all other lines for MK and maybe the odd 1/6th marvel (Punisher-Moon Knight-Sinister-Cable-Gambit-Iron Fist-Oh and Blink and Warpath).
Plus once Reptile and Sub Zero arrives you will kick yourself for missing out. I hope my spelling was not to bad this time Jedisword :wave
LOL im at work, no time to check spelling, write, breath and avoid the boss.
Lmao i do that when my GM is around mostly but the rest of the time Im nonchalant to a point lol

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
The entire statue. There is no exclusive and non exclusive version, just the one version that has both heads.
Lmao i do that when my GM is around mostly but the rest of the time Im nonchalant to a point lol

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon

You are the Employee of the Month in my book :hi5:
Lmao i do that when my GM is around mostly but the rest of the time Im nonchalant to a point lol

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon

:rotfl My big boss is ex army and needs a frag while he's on the toilet :rotfl He takes **** to a new level
Why cant i have my works IT department boss for a boss. Shes a 9.9999999999 ( i would work for food and a smile)
You are the Employee of the Month in my book :hi5:
I'm going to take that all the way to the bank. My GMis a tool either way, he plays flappy bird and **** with part timers when everyone is doing real work (not me cause I'm on the forums lol)
:rotfl My big boss is ex army and needs a frag while he's on the toilet :rotfl He takes **** to a new level
Why cant i have my works IT department boss for a boss. Shes a 9.9999999999 ( i would work for food and a smile)
Lmao that sounds like my old boss 7 years ago. He used to work out crazy too so he'd always be eating eggs and ****. Bastard would come to the Technicians bathroom and destroy it. Lol I used to use the office washroom and destroy theirs cause of that.

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
I'm going to take that all the way to the bank. My GMis a tool either way, he plays flappy bird and **** with part timers when everyone is doing real work (not me cause I'm on the forums lol)

Lmao that sounds like my old boss 7 years ago. He used to work out crazy too so he'd always be eating eggs and ****. Bastard would come to the Technicians bathroom and destroy it. Lol I used to use the office washroom and destroy theirs cause of that.

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Ah **** Klassic LMAO
I use the disabled bathroom as its the cleanest and safest one at my work. One of the boys i work with destroys the changing room in the morning so everyone coming in to get changed for work almost have to wear gas masks to get our shirts. Someone could bottle his farts and drop it on the ISIS.

What happened to your old boss, frag while on the toilet?
(when everyone is doing real work (not me cause I'm on the forums lol) that broke my ribs man, so funny. I spend more time in the Library at work than with my workmates. I have to get past HR everytime as their office is next door thou. Ass major has caught me a few times :thud: I play extra dumb and can get away with it, as most of my workmates are a few under a brick in IQ level.
Ah **** Klassic LMAO
I use the disabled bathroom as its the cleanest and safest one at my work. One of the boys i work with destroys the changing room in the morning so everyone coming in to get changed for work almost have to wear gas masks to get our shirts. Someone could bottle his farts and drop it on the ISIS.

What happened to your old boss, frag while on the toilet?
(when everyone is doing real work (not me cause I'm on the forums lol) that broke my ribs man, so funny. I spend more time in the Library at work than with my workmates. I have to get past HR everytime as their office is next door thou. Ass major has caught me a few times :thud: I play extra dumb and can get away with it, as most of my workmates are a few under a brick in IQ level.
Lmao! :lol :lol :lol I got ppl that smell up our changeroom too. Nasty mother****ers

I changed jobs lol. Yeah I'm looking to change jobs again. Been here for 7 years and I think I've always felt like I work with idiots

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon