Got mines today without any ship notice lol, sweet surprise! 10/10! The Quality on this guy is off the chart, paint and sculpt is top notch and packaging too!
Got my Ex's today. Haven't had a chance to open them up yet.
Both the Brown Shipping Box's says they are Exclusive to 189?
Does anyone remember what the Original Number was supposed to be?
189 seems like an odd choice?
I think I recall it was supposed to be 175 each?
Didn't put it together as I am hoping to move house and have packed my statues away.
Everything in perfect condition, but I give it 10/10 for difficulty of unpacking! Heads have been packed really tight, afraid of breaking it especially the yoga flame so be gentle.
Last week was a PCS bonanza! I also received both versions of the SF Dhalsim 1/4 scale PF. The sculpt on this guy is very detailed and looks great. Love the pose, the three swap out head options. Yoga flame is my favorite. The effect of the flame looks really good. The paint apps are perfect. I really like the shade of blue on the Player 2 version. It takes along time for PCS product to arrive, but it is almost always worth it. One little nit pick: one of the skulls on the player 2 version necklace was put on backwards. Easy fix, but it's going to be a pain in the "A" to re-tie that knot.
He is one of the best in the SF line of 1/4 scale statues so far. Only EHonda and Blanka to go to complete the original 12 world warriors. Did you guys pick this one up?