The absurd anger directed at me for raising the subject is a sad illustration of why children have to tell on average five or more adults to actually get an allegation of sexual abuse investigated.
Many of you do not want to face reality so you react with anger or denial at the messenger. Or as in the Yahoo posts I noted earlier, some take the even uglier step of blaming the victims of child rape.
This reminds me of the people who bullied and threatened Victim No.1 after he made the accusations against Sandusky that led to this case breaking open. They were furious not a child rapist, but at the victim for ruining the school's relationship with a famous football coach.
This ugly, horrific cloud hanging over college football is not my fault. This is such a dominant news story that it crowds out the unprecented new playoffs for attention on sports pages across the nation. Again, deal with reality instead of lashing out at me.