Super Freak
ok that is pretty amazing well done, the hair is really finishing it superbly......sharp teeth version is a killer.

Yes, this is very amazing! Any idea on how much this head sculpts will cost painted and unpainted? I would be interested in one.
I know the price may seem high compared to other custom heads, but consider this - you are getting a head of a character you will most likely never see in this scale again, painted and haired by a professional artist. I really consider this to be a very fair price and a great opportunity. I'm on a budget like a lot of you guys but I made some sacrifces for this one.
I don't even want to look at those pics anymore...I want my eyes to pop out when I get mine.![]()
Price is great, anyone who thinks its to high must never deal in custom works.
Agreed... a custom paint job alone is $35 to $60, not to mention him adding the custom dyed and applied hair. On top of the already unbelievable sculpt. I'd say this is one heck of a deal.
Not to mention the final product is absolutely awesome! Amazing work Pinkerton, thanks so much![]()
hey king, is there much difference in neck post size then for the hot toys bods and a dragon neo3?