Super Freak
Re: Petition for:RE5 BSAA Jill Valentine by Hot Toys
i would like a hot toys jill
i would like a hot toys jill
If HT does make Jill, I hope the do a DX version of her. I know it probably won't happen but if they do, this is what I'd like to see...
Jill Valentine with PERS and both S.T.A.R.S. and RE3 outfits, removable beret, S.T.A.R.S. Beretta, S&W 629, Benelli M3 Super 90, M4 assault Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher, Taser and 2 Daggers (one RE1 style the other RE3 style), tactical harness and just for biojex, a 1/6 Barry Burton accessory figure
jill in re3 please... along with nemesis!!!!!!!! Do you guys think that hot toys will ever get around to a nemesis?
ill take whatever jill they make
I'm not to sure on the Movie version, I really hated those things.
I can only hope the new one comming out isn't gonna suck
I'd like to see either a BSAA Jill, or a Battle Suit Jill.
I'd take a movie version of Jill since outfit in the movie was based of her RE3 uniform. But yeah the movies sucked. I despise pretty much anything Paul WS Anderson makes.