Haven't bought the PF Frodo and after everything I've seen and heard, I won't be. Wouldn't it be better if all those unhappy with the face, and who are considering to re-paint, or have someone else re-paint his face be better off shipping it back to SS? To let SS know you don't appreciate paying your hard-earned money for something that is below the quality you expect.
They had to know there were some quality control issue's with this statue, prior to shipping them out, yet it appears they shipped them out anyways.
If we as LOTR collectors let them off the hook with Frodo, what will prevent this from happening sometime in the future?
I was really looking forward to the PF line, and after receiving my PF exclusive Lurtz [ which is unbelievably good, and I now consider in my top 3 or 4 statues] I could hardly wait for the next announcement. Needless to say, my enthusiasum has been curbed somewhat since then.