Pretty sure that Dr. Strange has now found a movie director and will be making it to the big screen Ink
who knows....they've got a deal with Netflix
Pretty sure that Dr. Strange has now found a movie director and will be making it to the big screen Ink
who knows....they've got a deal with Netflix
According to a Disney exec a while back, the Netflix series are only for the unpopular characters that can't carry a film know, like Daredevil (who has ever heard of that douche?).
Movies are reserved for the ultra popular characters like Ant Man, Dr Strange, and Guardians of the Galaxy.
Hey Ty, heard it over on facebookhence why I said it was all speculated at the moment...many a hoax has been told over on facebook
however, I think we all wish it were true as this would be amazing! The rumours I heard were that Hulk defeats Thanos (in what maybe Avengers 3) and becomes uncontrollably much so that the Avengers banish him to space...thus creating the Plant Hulk storyline and the new movie The Industructable Hulk
Here was the list compiled of all possible future Marvel movie releases however some of these are said to be made into TV series also...Hoax?
Dr. Strange might be a tv show
Pretty sure that Dr. Strange has now found a movie director and will be making it to the big screen Ink also Black Panther is apparently official as is Ant-Man
Defenders will be a TV Show...
I'm pumped about Black Panther happening. I love the character and enjoy that his background gives him a different outlook from the rest of the Avengers.
I'm pumped about Black Panther as well. I'm surprised Ant Man got the green light before a Black Panther film.
I'm pumped about Black Panther happening. I love the character and enjoy that his background gives him a different outlook from the rest of the Avengers.
I'm pumped about Black Panther as well. I'm surprised Ant Man got the green light before a Black Panther film.
According to a Disney exec a while back, the Netflix series are only for the unpopular characters that can't carry a film know, like Daredevil (who has ever heard of that douche?).
Movies are reserved for the ultra popular characters like Ant Man, Dr Strange, and Guardians of the Galaxy.
Because I like Black Panther so much I'm actually scared of how they'll handle him. I hope I like what they do since I've mostly enjoyed Marvel movies but we'll see I guess. I'm not so sure this list is factual though.
Off topic but I'm interested to see who'll play the role of the Black PantherI certainly feel that half of the movies success is down to the right actor being casted for the role...RDJnr as Iron Man, Hiddleston as Loki, Chris Evans as Cap, etc...I still feel that Spider-Man could have been casted better...Toby Maguire was pretty good in 1 & 2 bit I'm still not feeling Garfield as the new Spidey
On Topic...can't wait for this big guy to show up!
I think Garfield is better than McGuire as Spidey to be honest. But the latest BlackPanther rumor is that Chadwick Boseman is being seemed out for the role.
Googling Chadwick Boseman![]()
I think Garfield is better than McGuire as Spidey to be honest. But the latest BlackPanther rumor is that Chadwick Boseman is being seemed out for the role.
Googling Chadwick Boseman![]()
I'm with you with Garfield, I much prefer him over MaGuire as Spiderman
Same here![]()
Maguire over Garfield.
Garfield was on a chat show over here recently and let's just say his personality didn't really shine.I prefer Maguire as Spider man but like Garfields smart aleck personality better.
Garfield was on a chat show over here recently and let's just say his personality didn't really shine.