I don't know what it is. Something very chalky looking about the paint up. Like a woman with to much makeup cacked on.
I don't know what it is. Something very chalky looking about the paint up. Like a woman with to much makeup cacked on.
The Great Worm has created the greatest Social Group on this board :
For the Worthy, of course.
i am glad they don't ship overseas...the company itself. so for now it's safe from the *******s who will clone this sucker and paint it bad...
seriously? How can you say so? Obviously, your opinion, but I loved the "prime" painted version; the finished version is way beyond what I've ever seen of a Bowen piece. He's really been steppin' it up.... lately.A lot less impressive painted up.
Give an idiot a keyboard and this is what u get.
The final paintup is amazing. Glad I will be able get this piece in Ireland which is not part of the USA or China where his is made.
OH MY GOD!!! This piece is incredible. I will have it, regardless of cost. I anticipate it to be $400-$500....ish
seriously? How can you say so? Obviously, your opinion, but I loved the "prime" painted version; the finished version is way beyond what I've ever seen of a Bowen piece. He's really been steppin' it up.... lately.