And even that has been improved on, plus it will fade back out over time.
The reasons you mentioned is why I would probably go with a plasma. The fade out from the sides. In a big room, that would be bad. Also, I don't play video games on my tv.
I will still play games on my plasma. I only play my PS3 for no more than a couple of hours at a time anyway. Some days I don't even play.
My son is not allowed to play games on my PS3. He's not even allowed to be out there unless he's watching what I want to watch, or if I agree to watch something that he wants to watch. Thats only because I moved my old 32" LCD into his room, along with a brand new 360 I bought him for christmas.
There shouldn't be any reason for him to hog my tv now, that is unless he want's to spend time with me.