All first batches do, I don't mind waiting.
Exactly. I'll wait too

All first batches do, I don't mind waiting.
Cancelled my PS4 order... looking forward to February, hopefully we get an InFamous bundle.
That's what I was thinking, wait till the possible infamous bundle. By then most of the delayed games will be out, and if there are any kinks/issues in the system; should be taken care of by then.
Yeah I will get this next Christmas when there will be better bundles and a lot more exclusive games.
As I was going to trade my ps3 in as I just have no space to have it out
If I did get the ps4.
But no point as I have not even finished GTA or played the last of us yet.
I'm sure there will be problems with the first console batch anyways.
Also by then there will probably be a slim console or something like that.
There won't be any hardware changes in the first few months. By March, they'll still be selling the same system.
There won't be a redesign in a year. Three or four maybe.
Holy Crap! Have you seen the game footage of Metal Gear Solid on the PS4![]()
It's unreal! The wife wanted to me justify her spending £££ on me at Christmas and I showed her the YouTube clip! She said it was a DVD and not a game!![]()
Still, no justification for a PS4 for Christmas. MGSV is a ways off.
How do you know that man ? If there are problems, do you think they will keep selling the same PS4 with the same hardware ? I dont think so ...
That's the customers who do all the real test .. They are too expensive for the factory.
Watchdogs being delayed really blows. It's not even a system exclusive so it's hurting the Xbox One as well.
This announcement even caused a drop in shares for the company!