Demi G0D Overseer
I've done the midnight thing a couple times. Depending on where its at it can be pretty fun.
To each their own. You are well versed in being in that type environment on an annual basis.
I've done the midnight thing a couple times. Depending on where its at it can be pretty fun.
I've said it before and I will say it hear. I will never go to a midnight launch. Especially not in the damned cold. I will simply go in during my lunch break tomorrow and pick up my goods. I have zero desire to be cold or stand around a bunch of dorks filming their experience with other dorks.
To each their own. You are well versed in being in that type environment on an annual basis.
Be careful tonight boys and girls! My local gamestop said that there will be an extra line for people fighting over any leftover stocks if there are any leftovers. Could be some desperate people out there waiting to jack it from you.
I've said it before and I will say it hear. I will never go to a midnight launch. Especially not in the damned cold. I will simply go in during my lunch break tomorrow and pick up my goods. I have zero desire to be cold or stand around a bunch of dorks filming their experience with other dorks.
I've done the midnight thing a couple times. Depending on where its at it can be pretty fun.
Nobody has to get up early to go to work??
Nobody has to get up early to go to work??
Anybody got there's?
How the DS4 feel?
That is what vacation days are for!
They are for freezing your *** off standing in line at a midnight release to pick up a ps4...
Nobody has to get up early to go to work??