Dr Sanchez
Super Freak
Thats one thing i admire about Bowen designs, Randy Bowen regularly interacts with collectors taking questions and criticisms, i wish a representative from Sideshow would do the same on here.
They have representative/VIPs read this board and that sometimes will reply, but not as much as they did in the past and definitely not on the 'difficult' questions.My question is: do they ever reply to requests/questions like this?
They should, I just wonder if they ever do.
I will give credit to Randy for being far more interactive with his fans. He regularly requests feedback and interacts on the statuemarvels board.Thats one thing I admire about Bowen designs, Randy Bowen regularly interacts with collectors taking questions and criticisms, i wish a representative from Sideshow would do the same on here.
One thing I'd like to point out...again...just because there's not always a response, doesn't mean that opinions and such are not read by someone (or usually, multiple someones) over here at Sideshow. In the past, it's true - we were able to interact a lot more on the board... and there were only about 1,000 users here at the time, so that was do-able. Now, with nearly 8,000 (wow, I can't even believe that!! Congrats to Dave and the other mods! ), and with more and more product coming out and in development, there's just not as much time as there used to be. But don't think that means no one cares! There are multiple things at play in EVERY area that you guys view as an issue; be it scale, color, costume, pose, likeness, and on and on and on.... licensers, artists, production facilities and much more can affect each and every one of those areas in different and varying facets. It's a complex dance!
Personally, I do not know the answer to the scale inquiries. If I had to take a guess, I'd guess a combination of licensing and artistic interpretation is at play. But again, that's just a guess! Rest assured that it is all passed along, and if you've submitted questions to the official 'Ask Sideshow' form at our website, chances are very high that one day your question WILL be addressed... it just may take some time as they deal with everything else on their plates simultaneously (That's why any questions that need IMMEDIATE answers, or are time-sensitive in any way, should be addressed to Customer Service)
Cap PF = measures 18.5 inches, heel to top of head. Marvel says Cap is 74 inches tall. Cap = 1/4 scale
Punisher = 16.5 inches heel to top of head. Marvel says Punny is 73 inches tall. Pun = 1/4.5 scale
Punny is about 2 inches too short for 1/4 scale. He's also 2 inches too tall for 1/5th scale.
Sideshow...get your sh** together with the scale.
- Make the new Hulk 1/4th or I will be very, very disappointed
- Get uniform with scale: I would say this is one of the top three gripes people have with Sideshow and it IS a real issue...
- Brown costume Wolverine for the win!
Seriously Sideshow, scale is a major issue. Who wants to display a 1/5th Hulk with Captain America and Thor who are 1/4th?
I really cannot stand the whole 1:5 vs. 1:4 scale. If everything was in 1:4 scale, whether comiquette or PF that would make mixing and matching displays so much easier.
That said, Looks like I'll have both a Brown and Yellow Wolverine
While I'd prefer to see a 1:4 FF PF, I'd settle for comiquettes, but hopefully those will be 1:4 scale.
Magneto would be a fantastic PF
I may end up cancelling the X-Force dio, because not crazy about the smaller scale. I'll just focus on buying the versus.
For IM2, I'd like a 1:4 light up Iron Man change-o head (don't care which version armor), 1:4 light up War Machine (change-o-head), and a 1:1 War Machine bust. Black Widow could also be cool, but prefer to see a comic version done as a PF.
This is a very nice conversion well done!
You guys who think comiquettes are the shizzle have a point simply because some characters are suited to being comiquettes by their very design.
But until Sideshow get their ____ together with some consistent size - and by that I mean 1/4 scale - in the comiquette line the PF line will be my choice simply because SIZE MATTERS.
Comiquettes are 25% smaller than PF's as a rule, although the consistency of scale in comiquettes is all over the place too. The comiquette line should be used to represent characters not suited to the PF line and compliment each other.
At the moment this is not the case and I am passing on statues I like (Punisher, Mystique) because they are too short to fit in my Marvel collection.
I read somewhere Sideshow do not consider scale between PF and Comiquettes an issue, it is for me, and I'm not buying and don't want statues that have several inches in height difference.
It still bugs me that the Punisher comiquette is not 1/4 scale because that might be the only one I would ever own.