Size matters!SS needs to pick a scale and stick with it. Remember SS.....bigger is better!
Growing list of 1:4 (or close) scale comiquettes:
1. Carnage Comiquette
2. Venom Comiquette
3. Spiderman Comiquette
4. Ironman Comiquette
5. Stealth Ironman Comiquette
6. Punisher Comiquette
7. Elektra Comiquette
8. Mystique Comiquette
9. Ironman Maquette
10. Back in Black Spiderman Comiquette
11. Iron Spiderman Comiquette
Any future 1:5 offerings will not go well next to these or any Premium Formats.
Other figures that 1:5 comiquettes won't go with are the premium formats from other genres like Star Wars, LOTR, SOTAs Street Fighter line etc.
Man Thing is 1:4 too:
But Comiquettes aren't even in scale with themselves. All the Iron Man pieces are 1/4. Venom is and Carnage looks to be 1/4.
Magneto is damn near a 1/6 scale figure. The rest are roughly 1/5. It is ____ing stoopid of Sideshow having different scales in the same line. It is even more retarded having characters that are not possible in PF form to be shrunk down 25% inconsistently depending on I don't even know what "thinking".
This whole discussion is tired. Seriously guys it all comes down to personal preference. PFs are here to stay. Take them or leave them but nobody needs convincing that their opinions are faulty either pro or con. Sideshow has already proven there is a market for both formats and many of their upcoming characters are being done as both PFs and Comiquettes/Maquettes.
The one thing that I do find fault with is the inconsistency in scale. I don't like the mix of 1/4 and 1/5 scale pieces. Personally I'd like to see all of these done in 1/4 scale so people could mix formats to suit their tastes and have their displays appear in scale.
I'm no noob. Collections and brains aren't measured in post counts. I was collecting PF's long before this Comiquette ____e started and I want figures like Silver Surfer etc that can't be PF because of Sideshow's stoopid mixed media rules to be in scale with a PF line that is 1/4 scale and has been around longer.
Some pieces certainly do not work in fabric as well as others. It comes down to material choice, implementation and pose.
A statue like Red Skull PF (which is done right) in fabric and at 20 inches is going to be waaaay better than any Red Skull 16 inch polystone Comiquette version in any pose.
Yes the Spidey PF conversion is nice, but the original in my opinion is flawed in pose, base and fabric choice. I am happy in some ways that the Spidey Comiquette will be 1/4 scale like Venom is and Carnage appears to be. But it still leaves the Comiquette lines' scale all over the place and characters I want out of whack with my existing PF collection.
You know, the collection I started BEFORE Comiquettes came out.
Hi Guys and girls. I wanted to share my thoughts on Sideshow's scale policy or in other words the lack of it. This issue has been buggin me since I got magneto comiquette. I understand that some formats can vary in scale like pfs and comiquettes but how about the scale differences within the lines. For example magneto is too small and has a nameplate unlike any other comiquette. Cap LSB is too big and thor lsb is too small. Adam huges commqettes dont go with other marvel girls bcs others are simply too big.I am sure you guys can come up with more. For me collecting a line is like assembling a puzzle the more you get the more you have a complete look. However with scale differences like these it makes it too hard. I realy wanna hear your opinions on this and better yet I would really like an explanation from someone who works for sideshow. Thanx for reading I think this is an important issue.
This question was addressed by a Sideshow production/creative team staff member in a previous Ask Sideshow Q&As. It can be found here: