70 ____ing pages going off of a joke review.![]()
By joke review, you must mean that he was not raising any valid points?
70 ____ing pages going off of a joke review.![]()
70 ____ing pages going off of a joke review.![]()
Perhaps when it comes to specific plot points, but he's not really using "logic" when he speaks about the art of film making and character development, etc. He obviously has a lot of knowledge about the craft and has studied it in depth, probably majored in film in university...
Like I said, while I enjoy the prequels on a certain level, because I really like the visual designs, and am interested about the back stories of the characters and Jedi (while I don't like some of the details, I'm still interested in them), etc... but when you look at it from a purely artistic point of view - in terms of the medium of film - they're not even close to being great movies, unlike the the OT (especially SW and Empire).
Lucas was great once. He wasn't just "lucky" because he had other great people working on the films. American Graffiti and THX-1138 were also highly acclaimed films. However, it's evident that he's lost his touch as a filmmaker while becoming more and more of a businessman. I really still think ROTS is the strongest of the three by far, so as far as I'm concerned his filmmaking has improved greatly with recent practice... maybe if he had just continued to concentrate on his art rather than business, who knows what else he would have achieved?
How many pages of total BS have you written on this board alone? How much was about which Predator sucks and which is cool?
Who cares?
I don't disagree that it's an eccentric thing to do. But who cares? Guy loves the Prequels. You love Deadpool. Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face.
Agreed on most points, but I do think he goes a bit too far and is a bit misleading in how he constructs the case for the suckage of the PT. And I'm not saying they are great movies; enjoyable and fun (for me), yes, but not really great as in "artful".
And this is all I want to hear. You know they arent that great, but you enjoy them. And that is the balance we need.
Just like I enjoy KOTCS, but I know it aint that good.
And this is all I want to hear. You know they arent that great, but you enjoy them. And that is the balance we need.![]()
But I KNOW it's BS.
Forums are purely, purely entertainment for me. However, I could never sit down and write 70 pages of bullcrap. Perhaps a few paragraphs....but 70...pages?
And yes, I do love Deadpool. But I can tell you what, I wont write more then a sentence on why the potrayal of Ol' Pool in Wolverine Origins was terrible.
I dont expect to be taken seriously on an internet forum. It's not the place.
As for Kev. Yes, you are very much correct. Which was my favorite movie? Perhaps Empire Strikes Back. I also did enjoy A New Hope as well. Did kids talk about TPM when it came out? Oh yes. I mean, my dad took me out of school, took me to lunch, and we went to go see it. One of the best times i've ever had. The movie has a slight tinge of nostalgia for me....but it's not a good movie. I saw Attack of the Clones opening day too, and I really didnt like that movie...even then. Anakin annoyed me incredibly. I was very much bothered by his character, and how much of a annoying whiner he was.
When ROTS came out, I did enjoy it. Saw it a few times in the theater...but when then i'd watch it whenever it was on TV, and every time I watched it, I began to notice more problems. I always defended it...but I watched it, and saw all the issues, and then I just couldnt enjoy it.
Now I cant even enjoy the OT, because those Special Editions are crap. They change so much, they ruin the best stuff in exchange for better effects. Blah. For example, the Wompa scene was fine how it was. Didnt need to show the stupid thing eating and ____. It was cooler when you COULDNT see it. It had more of an impact on me as a child.
Hey, I dont blame Steven. He was pretty much "forced" into the KOTCS script. The Aliens, the skulls, everything was pretty much Lucas' idea.
I have to agree that AOTC is the weakest of the Saga, but Yoda fighting Dooku was a highlight too. That's where I disagree with Plinkett again. How do you teach somebody to be a great Jedi, if you can not use a lightsaber yourself. Yes maybe other Jedis do not use lightsabers because of physicality, but then I doubt they would make suitable teachers, and would have other uses within the jedi order, like working at the Jedi Archives.
By the way I saw the Trailer to Red Letter Media's own planned movie. Not sure if it's for real, but from the trailer I saw that it was Poorly acted (Even for a spoof), poorly shot, and rips off Basket Case and Little Shop of Horrors