Super Freak
scout. looks too small for a mothership.
its actually computer generated graphics dropping off a computer generated light thats supposed to be a man in a rubber suit thats supposed to be a 7ft alien thats sent to earth to get the crap beaten out of by the t-800 terminator thats really an actor from Austria who was having one of the best times off his career thanks to his big muscles , catchy one liners and strange overall aurora that makes you go " ohh .. awesome".
So your both wrong and will still both be in denial of the fact that no of you were right all along.
Its amazing how far some research will get you instead of making pointless threads i must say.
its actually computer generated graphics dropping off a computer generated light thats supposed to be a man in a rubber suit thats supposed to be a 7ft alien thats sent to earth to get the crap beaten out of by the t-800 terminator thats really an actor from Austria who was having one of the best times off his career thanks to his big muscles , catchy one liners and strange overall aurora that makes you go " ohh .. awesome".
So your both wrong and will still both be in denial of the fact that no of you were right all along.
its actually computer generated graphics dropping off a computer generated light thats supposed to be a man in a rubber suit thats supposed to be a 7ft alien thats sent to earth to get the crap beaten out of by the t-800 terminator thats really an actor from Austria who was having one of the best times off his career thanks to his big muscles , catchy one liners and strange overall aurora that makes you go " ohh .. awesome".
So your both wrong and will still both be in denial of the fact that no of you were right all along.
I don't know...I mean the poll is still pretty tight!
Devil_666 is a moron, who seems to have only joined these forums to whine and complain and start arguments, while also in major denial of his nerdiness (YES u are a NERD)
its a scout ship plain and simple, it dropped a smaller Pod (similar to ones in halo)
end of story
and as for the debate thing....I think neither. Since I dont view the AvP flicks as canon, theres no mothership, but I dont think it was a scout ship either, since It looks pretty big. And it pilots itself away. Sure, you COULD argue it steer's itself....but hey.
A reaaaaaaaal nail biter. hahahaha.
Devil_666 is a moron, who seems to have only joined these forums to whine and complain and start arguments, while also in major denial of his nerdiness (YES u are a NERD)
its a scout ship plain and simple, it dropped a smaller Pod (similar to ones in halo)
end of story
haha its so funny cuz i was at work, and look at my posts does it seem like im here all that much your retard, i like my action figures alot, truelmao.. let me guess: you were typing that while being surrounded by more action figures than a Toy store (still in their original packaging no doubt) and more movie Memorabilia than every single Planet Hollywood combined, Right?
Shouldn't you be on Ebay trolling for the latest toy release of something no one else cares about including the people who created it and manufactured it to add to your "super lair of coolness" i.e. THAT room you sit in to sew your favorite comic/movie/D&D character costume that'll surely impress your other online buddies?
Your teh awesome!!1!!!
Serious question: I'm just curious.. (because I've seen a couple people refer to the "size" of the ship in P1) how exactly are you determining the size of that ship when the only reference point in that entire scene to compare size is the EARTH and SPACE!? I just don't get that. I've heard "it's not as big as the one in AVP" how can you possibly say that.!? You can watch that celluloid crap fest and see that Mothership in the Earths atmosphere and you can see the entire ship in relation to the ground level and even one shot of it flying overhead while the Mining crew is working. There's a lot of reference points in "AVP" to get a good estimate of how big that ship is.. but in Predator there's none of that.
Devil_666 is a moron, who seems to have only joined these forums to whine and complain and start arguments
its a scout ship plain and simple, it dropped a smaller Pod (similar to ones in halo)
end of story