Mr. Green
Super Freak
I'm so nervous about Monday. Hope I score all three.
Try opening 3 different browser, IE, Chrome, Firefox, Savana, etc., and keep refreshing(F5). This is what Mr. Green would do if he want all 3.
I'm so nervous about Monday. Hope I score all three.
This is what I've heard multiple times, people going back to find out it's already gone. Or by the time they get to paypal checkout it's unavailable.
Monday should be fun to watch. If I get it, great, if not maybe it's just not meant to be.
Try opening 3 different browser, IE, Chrome, Firefox, Savana, etc., and keep refreshing(F5). This is what Mr. Green would do if he want all 3.
Thanks for the info. I opened a bunch of tabs one time for the cammy preorder on firefox and ended up getting charge for an extra one for some weird reason.
I'm so nervous about Monday. Hope I score all three.
There is an order all three at once option for these limited to 50 sets i believe.
Edit link Pop Culture Shock Toys
Yeah I know but you'll save $135 if you pay in full for each one separately. The 3 pack may go fast too because you can just pay the deposit. Wish it was 15% discount and only paid in full.
Yeah, I think they messed up on the 3 pack. They should have put at least 20%. I don't get how 1/3 akuma paid in full had a 20% discount while ryu gets 10%.
Ryu gets 15, the 3-pack gets 10 unfortunately. It's cause of the smaller ES and Jerry's signature (I still think it should be 15 though). Also prices raise, and won't stop for a while probably and unfortunately.