Because people like you collecting isn't fun anymore.
Because people like you collecting isn't fun anymore.
I sold it because I am done collecting. I canceled all my pre-orders. I am not a flipper.
SS still has this slated for March which is right around the corner! Is PCS good at pumping their items out on the original release dates?
I think Jerry said on the other forum that these are shipping from China to the US at the end of March.
My Ex just convertedCan't wait to get this now. Wondering if I should keep my reg also.
Lucky dog! How long ago did u waitlist?
I got on there 9-7-12 at 16:01:58. I think that was the day it went to waitlist.
My Ex just convertedCan't wait to get this now. Wondering if I should keep my reg also.
Yeah, if I was smarter, I would have picked up the regular too.
This sculpt is amazing.
Speak for yourselfI had the chance at both but I had to go regular. Red and blue just IS Sagat. The alt colours they chose are not really a popular colour scheme among street fighter history/fans.
They should have went for the white/red championship shorts.
The limited edition long pants on the other hand....great choice. That bad boy will be worth about a thou if not more.
Speak for yourself
Google image search Sagat. You should instantly notice the two most common colour schemes are blue/red and blue/yellow.
I think I see where you're coming from. So you're suggesting Sagat's colours should be based on the most popular games he appeared in andWho needs 25 years of Street Fighter games when we can just use google eh?. A wealth of knowledge at your finger tips in 5 seconds....
The blue and yellow shorts are from Street Fighter Alpha, a much later game which was about as popular as a fart in a space suit. Nobody like it, nobody played it.
Traditionally Sagat was red and blue followed by white and red or red and green for the championship edition (why they just didn't stick with this format I don't know) since these seem to be Street Fighter 2 statue's.
Why would anyone bother then you ask? Well it's a video game statue and they are best off picking colours that represent the character from the most popular editions IMO.
Not that it would really matter to some folk, half the people that collect these things buy them purely based on looks alone - ZOMG SAGAT! BAD ***!! I'll get that one...
Don't get me wrong, it's not the worst colour choice and the second HS is a nice edition but I still like the Reg better. I think if the regular had 2 heads the EX wouldn't be shifting which is why I assume they chose to sell it this way.
I'm surprised they didn't include the extra HS with the Reg but I really don't care for the teeth look anyway. A laughing head on the other hand - I would have been all over that bad boy.
Just personal preference at the end of the day.
EDIT : Also technically, the Alpha shorts always had a slightly babyish blue to them - but that's opening up a whole new can.