I doubt there would ever be enough interest on this site to get this done but i would love..
David Tennant as the 10th doctor.
I'd be in for DT too.
I doubt there would ever be enough interest on this site to get this done but i would love..
David Tennant as the 10th doctor.
One day I would love to own these two in 1/6 scale
I wouldn't mind seeing your interpretation of the following sculpts, some of which have already been done.
Theoden, Eomer, Galadriel, Ewoyn, Arwen, Saruman, Gimli and some orcs.
Mel Gibson Braveheart
Tombstone. With Cowboys and Aliens on the way I'd like to see more western stuff.
Roger Daltrey ( post Who )
Absolutely! Yes!!
And if you make the Toshiro Mifune available I am there!!
I've also made no secret that I'd really love a Sean Connery Ramirez
A really expressive face.