It's not turner, he's been dead for years
Question Mark, bowler hat, 75% its Riddler
Yeah I know Ink, RIP Michael Turner, "The Face has a Campbell feel to it or Turner" key word Feel, There are so many Artists out there that use many of the Masters Styles, Hell it could be Tyndale but the waist is thicker than his usual renderings
Be Cool
Turner was a prince of a guy both times I met him. Totally cool and funny, and I do see the influence in these designs.
Well I'm waiting for Doom and Iron Man (only if its a comic PF) and now HER! Is that really Riddler? I'm not seeing the likeness
Sent from the **** Pit of the Millenium Falcon
Looks like you got your wish
Lol... I sure do... You can see it here on this teaser page along with a with a a whole load of stuff that has gone up for PO...
Here it is isolated
Apparently, and I can't remember who said it, But a fellow Freak said that they saw an Extremis shot done by Adi Granov (I think), at a Con in his Portfolip, and when they asked him if they could buy it he said no because it was a pic he did for Sideshow, but that he would sell it to them later. So who knows.
Too bad. Would have been nice, but with 143 new movie Iron Man pieces, how could they fit this one in?
I concurDamn it. I wanted a new COMIC Iron man also. Comic look for collectibles always trumps movies for me.
Unfortunately Sideshow have now scrapped the Extremis statue that was sneaked on the latest calender.
From Adi himself :
"This made it as far as a 3D model. It was in pre-production a long time and I was only let know this week that it wasn't going to make it. Luckily we've been given permission to print this image ourselves, so it's going into the new sketchbook."
Here's what it would have looked like.
Damn it. I wanted a new COMIC Iron man also. Comic look for collectibles always trumps movies for me.
Juggernaut will be nice.
As nice as this looks there are so many other Iron Man statues coming out it would have gotten lost in the shuffle. Also, it is a boring pose and concept. Now up the intensity and make it more dynamic, and that would be something to see.