It is a boring pose but ALL of the other IM products on the way are movie based. This would've been the only comic book IM. If anything that would've helped it stand out from the shuffle.
Plus Extremis is the armor many of us want. That would've only helped it stand out even more.
Disappointing, but I hope they eventually fulfill the want for a modern comic book armor Iron Man in 1/4 (hopefully still Extremis unless another armor as well loved comes far, no) instead of all these movie designs, and hopefully it'll be in a decent pose.
I think part of the issue is that the IM movies have influenced the armors in the comics to quite a large degree, so Extremis is kind of the last really iconic Armour design that is not influenced by the movies. With that being said I prefer the Marks III, IV, VI and VII over the Extenis design so if I get an IM I would be more than happy with one of those.
i hope they will release movie PFs no comic related plz
I'd like to see a comic Electro or an Ock.
It's kinda ironic that the extremis suit sorta influenced the movie suit and now the movie suit influences the comic suit
Didn't they announce they were working with J Scott Campbell more. Even on some non Spidey stuff too?
Hmmmm.... interesting. Wonder who JSC and Sideshow have in mind.Yep and they are all Adi
Yes they did, but my guess they will be 1/5... I wonder what the next 1/4 Spidey will look like. I know the Amazing Spiderman 2 PF is coming, and I wonder if will be at SDCC