POTC-At World's End

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Hmmm. Sorry to hear it wasn't that great for you Dusty. I think you are right in thinking it is just lack of sleep. I know that is why I can't do Midnight shows.

I can't wait to see it tomorrow morning. When in line purchasing a ticket for my brother's High Chapionship Soccer game, two guys were talking about it (from what I could tell). I half wanted to hear what they were saying and half not incase any spoilers came up. Thankfully I didn't hear anything. :eek:

PS My brother's team did win the State Championship BTW :chew
SideshowDusty said:
I saw it last night at 10:15. I don't know if I was just too tired to really enjoy it, or what, but I wasn't that impressed. I know, I know, that's like *heresy* for me to say... but it's true. There were a lot more cheesy bits (like, ridiculous-drama cheesy, not funny cheesy), I didn't like what they did with certain characters (although I have no problem with the Will/Elizabeth storyline), and there were a couple too many plot twists/back stabbing moments... I was confused why this person was doing that to that person, and vice versa, through most of it. I did love the Jack/Barbossa/Davy Jones dynamic and the whole Jack in Davy Jones' locker sequence though! There were a lot of 'WTF!?' moments throughout, which made me really wonder HOW they came up with those ideas/lines - which I LOVE! I'm a big fan of randomness...

I think maybe I just need to see it again - I was operating on only 3 hours of sleep after spending 10+ hours at Celebration IV! I'll see it again soon, and let you know if my opinion changes ;)

Dusty, I pretty much agree with all of that. I'm working on plenty of sleep and I too got a lil lost in keeping up with all the "who's playing who and how" moments, but Dead Man's Chest did that as well and I liked it more the second time so I think this film is a multiple view before you fully appreciate it. It's tough to enjoy a movie when you're also trying to excercise your brain and follow an intertwined plot. Deffinately think I'll be seeing this one again. There were deffinate moments where I was just in awe of the action and how it all came out, really spectacular, and as always Johnny rocked, a bit of Secret Window type stuff though (those who've seen both films oughta know what I mean there). And call me crazy, but the Will/Elizabeth closing moved me, but I'm also going through some things with my girlfriend right now and it just happened to hit upon deep things I'm feeling and dealing with, so I truly enjoyed those moments as well.
I'm too lazy to read the rest of of your reviews but I thought this movie was Great .Loved that score. It was funny. It was sad. It was action packed. Davy Jones rules and hopefull we get a HT version. Jack Sparrow is one BA pirate. I just loved it and will prolly see it again tommorow. I had goosebumps like the whole movie.:D
Personally, I loved it as much as the other two. My only problem was that the movie made things a bit more confusing than it needed to be at some points. I guess I also found it hard to understand a lot of the characters when they either had heavy foreign or pirate accents.

Personally, I lvoed the fact that Davy Jones was a bastard even to the end. When I saw DMC, I first thought he'd be somewhat of a good guy in the 3rd movie since he was such a sympathetic character. Then I see the 3rd movie and find out he's a pretty hardcore bad guy.

Yeah, I still REALLY want premium format Pirate figures.
I just got back from watching the first two with some friends. I usually watch the prior movies and then watch the new one, but doing it backwards I made alot of connections I think I would have missed. For one thing...and others may have caught this already...go back and rewatch when they go to Tia Dalma's the first time in DMC again. Now I gotta go back and rewatch ALE soon.

Sorry to hear it wasn't all you wanted it to be Dusty. Hopefully it was just from sheer exhaustion and you love it when you see it again!
SideshowDusty said:
I saw it last night at 10:15. I don't know if I was just too tired to really enjoy it, or what, but I wasn't that impressed. I know, I know, that's like *heresy* for me to say... but it's true. There were a lot more cheesy bits (like, ridiculous-drama cheesy, not funny cheesy), I didn't like what they did with certain characters (although I have no problem with the Will/Elizabeth storyline), and there were a couple too many plot twists/back stabbing moments... I was confused why this person was doing that to that person, and vice versa, through most of it. I did love the Jack/Barbossa/Davy Jones dynamic and the whole Jack in Davy Jones' locker sequence though! There were a lot of 'WTF!?' moments throughout, which made me really wonder HOW they came up with those ideas/lines - which I LOVE! I'm a big fan of randomness...

I think maybe I just need to see it again - I was operating on only 3 hours of sleep after spending 10+ hours at Celebration IV! I'll see it again soon, and let you know if my opinion changes ;)
We'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. It does sound like the lack of sleep might have affected your judgment, especially regarding the who's backstabbing whom business, which was keeping a pretty brisk pace ;).

I really do hope you do like it more after your second viewing. I'd hate to have to issue a cease and desist order about your Jack Sparrow signature banner, after all. :D
darthviper107 said:
Hardcore bad guy? What about when he cried, or when his scene with his long lost love? That's more feeling than he ever showed in DMC.

Fine, maybe "hardcore" is not the absolute best word to use, but he most certainly went down like a villain. Hey, a lot of the most famous literary and movie villains have had their own moments of sadness. Heck, Darth Vader got a little sad when he found out Padme was dead, and he's probably the most famous villain of all time (but you can probably blame Lucas for making him emotional.)

Heck, he was preety damn hardcore to me when he went all apes**t on Mister Mercer. Yikes.
I got back and I loved it.


I thought the multiple Jacks in the Locker was funny. Makes me glad now that I've gotten each of NECA's Jacks :lol

Keith Richards was awesome. Loved Jack's mum too :D

Sao Feng seemed pointless. He really was only there to die and make Elizabeth "king."

Davy Jones was awesome. Cool to see him in non-fish form. I can't help but wonder what would have happened if they had been able to get him to stab his own heart. :confused: Would the Dutchman curse been broken since stabbing the heart would have killed Jones, but who ever stabs the heart becomes the new captain. That would have been better way of doing things than making Will the new Captain. And I don't see why Elizabeth doesn't just go with Will on the ship instead of being stuck on that island.

Not really sure how a PotC 4 would work since they couldn't really use Elizabeth, but they could use Will. So the fountain of youth was in Florida? That would make an interesting film.

Oh, and best film wedding ever! :lol
well, the flying dutchman travels under water so I'll think she'd have some problems breathing...
Calle_Sandell said:
well, the flying dutchman travels under water so I'll think she'd have some problems breathing...

They wouldn't always have to sail underwater. Most of the film it wasn't. They had all of the EITC men onboard guarding the chest. Stupid Jones should have just gone under with them.
MaulFan said:
So long as you have Johhny Depp as Captain Jack and good stories, you can go on.

I agree. I could really care less if Will or Elizabeth are in the next one as long as Jack (and hopefully Hector) are in it. I know Johnny has said he'd like to keep doing them (which is really strange for a guy who has only reprised this one role).
Well, we already know that Keira Knightley has decided not to be involved with any future Pirates projects. And we know that, despite rumors about Disney wanting to cut Orlando Bloom from further efforts, both he and Disney appear to be open to the idea. And, of course, Johnny Depp, Jerry Bruckheimer and the rest of the forces behind the films have definitely expressed interest in filming more Jack Sparrow adventures.

So, once all of the parties involved have had a bit of a break (filming back-to-back movies is hard enough, but filming back-to-back movies of this scope is very, very rough), it seems likely that we will get to see...

Pirates of the Caribbean - The Fountain of Youth

:banana :banana :banana :banana
Just finished watching it and I have to say that it was an improvement over part II--- although I too wish the metphysical fantasy stuff could have been toned down for a more realistic feel that permeated Part I--- but then that part had ghost pirates and these last two had the main antagonist with a squid head so maybe there's no point to that:D .

SPOILER (in case anyone still hasn't seen it but are reading this thread regardless...)

Liked how they ended things with Will and Elizabeth... a non-hollywood ending and a swerve and that's---(Stuart Smaley) OK.

Jack goes on--- and the stuff in Davey Jones' Locker was gold.

Chow Yun Fat------ uhn? That seemed a little bit like a waste.

Barbosa and the double--triple--quadruple dealing was good fun.

All in all an entertaining movie... Now bring on The Transformers!
Buttmunch said:
I know Johnny has said he'd like to keep doing them (which is really strange for a guy who has only reprised this one role).

From what I've heard from Johnny in interviews and all, it seems like he has the time of his life with this particular role, the playing it like Keith Richards and all, I think he probably enjoys reprising it because he feels most comfortable getting into the character, in ways it seems like he gets to be parts of himself he can't let out any other way and it's always nice to have those outlets.


In the event they don't continue the films, I like that the ending can tie 1 and 3 together, Jack with the horizon at his back, Drink up me hearties Yo-Ho and the classic He's A Pirate theme from POTC1. It was like 10 seconds but it was my favorite moment in POTC1, the smirk, the light hearted pirate adventure it made you feel you were just on for the last 2 hours, great to have that again.

What I was expecting to happen at the end was that Jack would stab the heart and then take Will into his crew (postponing the judgment and saving is life pretty much) and then he could free him so that he wouldn't die. Will just isn't a good captain I think.

But I could definitely see them making more, easily with Jack, Will, and Elizabeth although if Keira Knightly didn't want to do it at least she could possibly make a short appearance to tie her character to the next one.