darthviper107 said:^You'd wait for Keira Knightly...
I still think it should have ended with Jack as the new captain of the Dutchman. And is anyone sad that Norrington had almost no purpose in the movie other than to just die?
First off, I would most certainly go running for Keira on the 10 year day, I know she's not a lot of people's type but I'd hit that in a second.
Secondly, I think it was necessary to see Jack really finally put others before himself, so not taking the immortality of captaining the Dutchman was the right course.
As for Norrington, I never really cared for him and felt his purpose was minimal after the first Pirates.
I was happy to see Beckett's right hand man go down at the tentacles of Jones though, I hated that dude, he's the character in a film you wait and cross your fingers to see die horribly.