Pray for my Bobo Fat

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King Darkness said:
I am a huge dog lover Mickey, I have 3 dachshunds, so I really hope your dog makes it through surgery and makes a full recovery!!

And I am sure Shai meant nothing negative Mickey.
I'm sure Shai meant it in fun, and I normally have a pretty thick skin and can laugh things like that off.

But not today.
Customikey said:
I'm sure Shai meant it in fun, and I normally have a pretty thick skin and can laugh things like that off.

But not today.

I think he was trying to cheer you up Mikey.

Hope your dog comes through it OK. I do pray for dogs.
I wish the best for your wonderful little friend, Boba Fat. He will do great. The force is strong with him.


I am sending my best wishes to your dear doggy. I have two wonderful
dogs myself and I know how much they become a part of the family.
I am having my surgery tomorrow, to bad Boba and I could not hang out
together and compare scars.
I wish you the best Mikey, it crushed me when I lost my dog, I had to hold h im on the ride to the vet and had a strong expectation that was the last time I would and it was, for a long time after he was gone, I would still hear a barking around the house, it's not an easy loss, and I pray you won't have to deal with it.
I hope everything goes well for your dog Mikey, I remember seeing him in some photos before. Its really bad when pets are ill and we just have to hope that everything works out for them.

Be sure to give Boba a good scratch behind the ears for me when he comes home!

You got it. We are close to getting a house and that means a dog for our daughter very soon. I know how heartbroken we would be under similar circumstances.

In my life I have been privilaged to have been loved by a few dogs who claimed me as "theirs". When they were sick or died it tore me up something fierce. If the Big Man will listen to a sinner such as I, your dog (and you guys), sincerely have every prayer I can muster.
I have a Beagle that I love dearly that had his paw skinned by a car so I know how you feel. I hope all goes/went well with the operation. I too will pray for him. If we don't watch out for our pets, who will? :monkey2

BTW My dog is fine now and his paw is fully healed. I can't even tell it happened so that just goes to show how impressive doggy medical care can be.
Hey everyone!

I've been mostly off the boards for a couple of weeks now, taking care of Bobo and being in a show.


Bobo Fat is doing very well. It is a mere 10 days after his surgery and his back legs are already starting to move. he even surprised us by standing up for a 1/2 second the other day! He still has a lot of physical therapy to go through, and he's a rotten patient. We have to muzzle him in order to move him, lest he take a chunk out of us. But his tails a-wagging and he seems very much himself.

Thank you again for all the prayers and good thoughts. I have no doubt whatsoever that they helped on a cosmic level. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Hopefully, he'll be trotting along soon, and i can finally get back to my painting now that the show is almost over....