Action Figure Predator 2 1/4 scale NECA City Hunter repaint by BadVermin

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Super Freak
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
NECA really outdid themselves with the P2 City Hunter, but I couldn't help myself from doing a full repaint from head to toe. I had a lot of fun building up the metallics and applying assorted patinas. Used epoxy to soften the texture on the mask, wanting it to look more like hammered metal than pitting.

I sculpted the arm for the cannon so that it matched the look of the armor plating, the original seemed very out of place and flat. Spear completely repainted and matched the display marking to the 1/1 scale replica.

Skull w/spine is from the 1/4 scale Gort figure, the coloring is designed to make it look like a older skull from his collection. The bones being completely covered in blood doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

The netting was replaced by offering my first-born to Mhalluthu, Lord over the Plains of Despair. On the negative side, shipping takes weeks. This is easily my favorite netting thus far, and like the NECA stuff it comes in a tube so there are no ugly seams. I've replaced the netting on my P1 with the new stuff as well.

All of the strings have been replaced with real leather straps, and I cut small holes in the groin armor (ouch) for the second set of straps. The exposed parts of the plastic hip ball joints are also covered with leather.

Base is from McFarlane AVP 1/6 scale figure, it has long metal pegs that fit perfectly. I apologize for the poor quality of the photos, these were taken with two desk lamps and a beach towel.











Special thanks go out to Tankman, for another amazing sculpt.

EDIT - New photo!

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Whoa, that's incredible. What I love about your repaints is how they're intricate, yet they don't have that overdone "custom-y" vibe to them. This looks like a factory job, but a really good high-end factory (if that makes any sense).

And that trophy skull looks nastier than ever. :rock
Copper / Brass stains looks great.

The Skull / Hair and overall paint of the figure is awesome!

Did you touch up the Wrist Blades and if so, any pics?
great job !! love the patina and really better looking bio than the original stock form..looks like you're using a different netting than what i got from you ? have anymore of those ? :)
You can buy the netting HERE.

Don't laugh. My GF was concerned when she first saw me shopping for them.

It only runs $1.69 with shipping. One set provides enough netting to do two P1 figures or one P2 figure with a lot left over. The P2 requires more netting on the legs and arms.

I forgot to take close-ups of the blades and the P2 standing next to the P1. I'll try to rectify that.
Very nice Repaint. Its a masterpice.
Why can Neca not make the right Colours like you(brownish Skin, Copper Armor).

Where can I buy a Copy from this Skull with Spine ?

Can you make more close up Photos from the Legs,the arms and the Belly/Chest(that I can see the Pattern Paints)?
You can buy the netting HERE.

Don't laugh. My GF was concerned when she first saw me shopping for them.

It only runs $1.69 with shipping. One set provides enough netting to do two P1 figures or one P2 figure with a lot left over. The P2 requires more netting on the legs and arms.

I forgot to take close-ups of the blades and the P2 standing next to the P1. I'll try to rectify that.

Oh jesus! Finally someone shared where they get these netting from. Thanks a lot man, been looking for this forever. Anyways your custom is a killer. I love the colors! Great job!
Beautiful job! Is it hard to put the netting on the figure. How did you do that exactly? Also this pose is a killer:

Is it hard to put the netting on the figure. How did you do that exactly?

You have to completely disassemble the figure, which can be a pain since many of the parts are glued together. I used heat and a small flat-head screwdriver to break the glue.

The hips and torso are held together with screws. Once the torso is apart, you can remove the neck (also held in with screws).
Oh God, this is a killer Job.

Why neca make not a complete Netting, they was easy to fix.
You have to completely disassemble the figure, which can be a pain since many of the parts are glued together. I used heat and a small flat-head screwdriver to break the glue.

The hips and torso are held together with screws. Once the torso is apart, you can remove the neck (also held in with screws).

Thank you the answer.
Here's the P1 disassembled. It's probably very similar to P2 with the exception of the ball-jointed hips.

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