And time for an update. It has been hard finding reference shots for sculpting the back of the chest armour, but I finally finished. I have left out some of the hooks that go under the medikit on the back as that will be where I am housing the batteries and switch mechanism for the bio LED. Still needs some of the detail sharpened up, and I will do that on the casting, as I am a bit ham-fisted there is only so much I can do with Sculpey before I forget how soft it is an stick a great big thumb print somewhere!
I will do the cast tomorrow after work and clean it up.
Oh, and before anyone says it, I know the tail part at the back and the shoulder pauldron is yet to be done, so still got a way to go yet.
I will do the cast tomorrow after work and clean it up.
Oh, and before anyone says it, I know the tail part at the back and the shoulder pauldron is yet to be done, so still got a way to go yet.