Statue Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette.

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Same. Ordered, canceled, nearly reordered about 4 times. I thought id moved on from it but yeah. If i'm not feeling this one then its definitely going back...even post discount that price tag is far too fat to not be damn happy with the statue.
I'm going to experiment with black cocktail sticks. Quills bother me, a lot.
Something that sticks but won't remove paint if it comes off. Dab of wood glue?
I'm going to experiment with black cocktail sticks. Quills bother me, a lot.
Something that sticks but won't remove paint if it comes off. Dab of wood glue?

There were some similar issues with broken or missing quills on the Cinemaquette Predator back in the day. I think the teeth in black combs can also work decently. Painted porcupine quills was what Joe Dunaway used for awhile but he has moved to a softer more supple material that doesn't snap as easily during shipping.

Be sure to drill the holes with a MICRODRILL that is a HAND DRILL. Then a very small amount of Krazy Glue. I like the Loctite gel myself for control. Done properly it should look flawless. You just have to figure out the diameter and size of the quills you want to put in. To do it right it will take about an hour or so.

Eventually, I'll have Joe repaint the head and add the quills. I think the body is camouflaged enough by the netting and armor that it doesn't really need a full on repaint as long as the unmasked head looks great . . .
I'm going to experiment with black cocktail sticks. Quills bother me, a lot.
Something that sticks but won't remove paint if it comes off. Dab of wood glue?

I'm thinking porkupine quills (Pred GK modelers get them from eBay).

Tacky glue might work - but then the pin-vice route (after practice) could also be your huckleberry.

One of my buds over on SF posted this video link. MUCH better close-up shots.

Based on reviews so far, I'm drawing the conclusion that this will generally appeal to people who are more casual in their interest in the character. For those folks - they don't even spot (or care about) the glaring (and not so glaring) issues.

This guy is the same - he admits he normally wouldn't buy "non-comic" characters but made an exception with this one. Always good to add another Predator collector to the masses though.

This really shows off that godawful overspray on the bases - wow that's bad. Also makes it easy to spot (no pun intended) the rather poor paint application with the black dots on the feet and hands.

Well worth watching this video.


Wow things have change a bit since I last visited this forum and I'm glad the die hards are at least given this a chance albeit at a discount, curiosity, and/or for many other reasons.

Heavy Metal Spike thanks for sharing your friend's video and thank him for doing it, it's a great HD video of it.

Max Power

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Good luck with the purchase guys hopefully you do enjoy what you receive.
Boom right bro. I have issues

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One I am not your BRO!! and clearly you have issues and need to get back on you're medication😂😂 anyway I went and order the thing, hopefully it looks better in hand than it does in all the photos and videos posted.BOOM!!
One I am not your BRO!! and clearly you have issues and need to get back on you're medication���� anyway I went and order the thing, hopefully it looks better in hand than it does in all the photos and videos posted.BOOM!!

KaBooooooooooom......Love you bro, good choice.......peace and one love.....LOve u Lil Brother
The first Predator Maquette came out ten years ago with a much better paint job, far more accurate sculpt and it was $200 less.

After seeing the in-hand pics I cannot fathom spending $1200 on this. We already knew about all the inaccuracies in the sculpt, but the paint job alone is disgusting.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I really wish people would stop defending this garbage quality.
well, I'm shocked myself, but with the $240 coupon code SS spit out for this, I caved and ordered. My justification ended up being I saved hundreds of dollars for this, I get $60 more worth of points when the cool props bust comes out, and if Prime ends up doing a P2 in the future, I will make a couple hundred of profit on this to sell towards it. Maybe I will be able to enjoy this for a few good years, and if Prime doesn't get the license, maybe I'll have Joe work some magic on this piece.
well, I'm shocked myself, but with the $240 coupon code SS spit out for this, I caved and ordered. My justification ended up being I saved hundreds of dollars for this, I get $60 more worth of points when the cool props bust comes out, and if Prime ends up doing a P2 in the future, I will make a couple hundred of profit on this to sell towards it. Maybe I will be able to enjoy this for a few good years, and if Prime doesn't get the license, maybe I'll have Joe work some magic on this piece.

Yep Joe can fix this easily.

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