Cheers dude, some people say it devalue's the statue, I am in the collecting for having the best representation of my statue's, not making money and I cannot wait to get the 2 heads and the spear redone, that is my only nitpicks, the spear, and the 2 heads. Defiantly cannot wait for him to short out the egg shape of the bio helmet out. The rest of the statue is fantastic of what I have seen, my statue arrives in July, so say August you will see the 3 improvements that it truly deserves
That bio helmet cannot wait to sort it out to look like this
That is false, it adds to the value if done properly.
The fact is if its sealed and not opened then maybe it will go up in value, but once they see the improvements they want it and will pay higher. But yes most of us are set to keep this for a long time to come and ES of 400 is low.