Yeah been massively tempted to get this guy as im currently tryong to get a coolprops 1:1 bust to go along my P1 and Wolf busts. Wanting a Prime1 statue to go alongside each head
Yeah been massively tempted to get this guy
I know it's kind of hard to tell, but next to that dog, this doesn't look 1/4 scale. Hope I'm wrong.
I imagine the reason we haven't gotten confirmation is because of that license loop hole.
This might actually work. The dog looks "correct" next to the Assassin, but the Assassin is massive compared to the Fugitive Predator at his side (which is confirmed 1/4). Factor in that the CH is crouching and it seems like they're in the same scale.
Sideshow just put up the P1 Big Game Predator on their website...
So looks like Prime 1 and Sideshow are still buddies, lol.
Hopefully City Predator is next...
I did a little comparison image of the bios. Both could be better for sure with a few tweaks, the "cheek bone" area on both is weak, and that is what gives the real hero mask much of it's shape. But I think it's clear that the Prime 1 version is much closer to the real thing currently. By the way, I'm not trying to knock them, I love both of these statues. I just love the P2 mask and nobody ever seems to really nail it.
There were a few bio masks used in Predator 2, and prime 1 studio's is pretty accurate to the one theirs is based on......![]()
Who's made the most accurate hero mask to date?
Double check the shipping quote. On some other boards, people are reporting SS has new P1 pieces but it appears they are just drop shipping from China.
Again, check post Post #393, that?s just one sample.
I know this is mostly a statue forum, but the best life size bio masks are not the mass produced they are impractical.
The best life size bio mask maker that I know of is Casey McCabe. I have not seen another person who matches his bios accuracy, quality, high demand, and reputation, variations.
Graig Bain has one of the best Alien/Predator collections...and he seems to think so as well...
Neny Dee does too...
Casey McCabe can customize your bios anyway you like. He can install an LED setup not just battery power, but AC current as well remote control too, none of that switch by hand crap.
You can even request patina or no patina...
True accurate life size...
They can also be fitted with magnets and wear on latex masks...
Casey will even make crazy custom bios like this Alien/Predator bio, ha...
I might have gotten a bit off topic here because these are not statues...but just wanted to show some top of the line life size custom bios.
How to contact or follow Casey?