So THIS wee beastie turned up today . . . just 9 days after being shipped
Not in as perfect condition as the 1:3.5 “Big Game Cover Art” (Jungle Hunter) Predator was, but nothing that merits any real complaints or compensation claims.
As with the BGCA JH, the shipping box (due to careful handling by USPS & Canada Post) arrived in pretty much perfect condition, ditto the art box.
Everything slotted together pretty well (after a bit of “playing”), and there were no miss-matched magnets.
The only issues we had (in order of seriousness):
- The unmasked head had THREE of the pointed ridges where parts of the black decal were missing - one almost completely. Easily fixed with a sharpie.
- The magnet on the masked head is a little weak (perhaps buried too deep in the neck). Annoyingly, this head is also a less secure fit, and causes some abrasion on the top left of his collar when pressing into place (this is hidden by the dreds when fully in place).
- A tiny part of the decal on his outside right leg, just above the knee armour, was missing. Again, this was supposed to be black, so was easily fixed with a sharpie.
- The peg in the right foot that slots into the base was too tight a fit, so I had to use a rats-tail file to make the circular peg socket a little bigger. Then added a bit of vaseline for safety and got a perfect/secure fit.
So . . . all-in-all . . .
perfectly happy, and no way would I be cheeky enough to ask for a partial refund for what were/are relatively minor issues, and I certainly wouldn’t ask for a replacement given some of the horror stories out there!
First impressions:
- A REALLY nice piece.
- It was bought primarily for the masked head portrait, which (as others have said) is EASILY the most accurate mass-produced P2 mask sculpt so far made.
- The paint (bypassing the decal issues above) is a better colour match than the Infinity Studios piece - the colours are darker and more movie-accurate.
- Not as positive an initial impact as the PRIME1 BGCA JH or the IS CH had on opening, but absolutely ZERO regrets as regards the purchase, and LOVE the way this looks when (ultimately) wall mounted.
- Overall, of the 2 P2’s, the IS piece wins because of the general attention to detail (including the leather straps that are missing on the PRIME1 piece), the pose, and its overall presence.
Ours will be displayed with the masked head, but it looks like (thanks to the advice of multiple people here

) we’ll be picking up a couple of
"Johnny Norman's" head stands (kindly facilitated by our own
@Goonsack Steve 
) for:
- The PRIME1 unmasked head.
- The Infinity Studios masked head.
Thanks again to:
- Everybody here & elsewhere that eventually made me brave enough to risk getting this.
- Shane at Secret Compass for processing the order so quickly, and matching all my needs as regards the purchase.
- And ESPECIALLY our boy Matt (@Python) - without whom, I NEVER would have gone through with this.
Nicely done fellas!