recast?I'm surprised at you Mr. recast

recast?I'm surprised at you Mr. recast
I'm thinking about selling my legendary scale Predator 2 "Savage" edition bust to get this bad boy. Has anyone seen a recent sale for one of those lately?
They generally don't sell for those crazy about a month ago i saw went for £900 there was another in japan for buy it now £1000 not sure if it went but no longer on ebay, even the ordinary have huge price tags on that i can see
It's all about timing, I'm not sure why anybody would pay anywhere close to that for a P2 LSB though? This will cost about the same..
Plenty of people are committed to the LSB line and/or just don't have the space/family approval for 1:1s.
I did the same, but later changed my mind and had to pay a premium for it. I had both and it may be a "minor" change, but it looked good even next to the regular closed mouth version. I planned on repainting one or both of them, but decided to get out of 1:2 before I got the chance.I remember when the savage edition went up. I passed on it because it was such a minor change to the original version and I was very disappointed in the paint on the original. I couldn't justify the price for it.
I remember when the savage edition went up. I passed on it because it was such a minor change to the original version and I was very disappointed in the paint on the original. I couldn't justify the price for it.
Luckily I didnt purchase the P2 regular edition so I jumped at the chance of getting the Savage Edition. Got number 14/100. But I will sell it if I can get $800-1000 to use for the 1:1 bust.
Brand new member here, and brand new to collecting as well. I'm glad I've preordered this as my very first collectible!
Brand new member here, and brand new to collecting as well. I'm glad I've preordered this as my very first collectible!
Start with a bang why don't youWelcome to the forum.