Uhm, aren't SS's other LSBs accurate?besides officially licensed SWS or ADI products, who has ever made Predators accurate? SS never advertised these as being movie accurate, so you shouldn't be mad that their not.
Okay, you need to understand that when something is off, we have a right to complain about and discuss it. This is a discussion forum.
Don't be a ____.
Legendary Scale Busts aren't supposed to be artist enterpretations or whatever..they're supposed to be accurate to the movie. This is pretty far off.
Mainly the head, the horribly deformed head.. I have absolutely no idea why they took his head and stretched it so far out. I don't recall the Predator having orange and black eyes either, but I'm sure it was too hard to paint them different colors.
Even in the sketches for this, the head was the right shape. Just doesn't make ANY sense to go screw it up for no reason.. It's not like they're making more money or saving any.......
It's still a nice Pred bust, but I'm sure many people (including myself) are disappointed that their new line of movie accurate Pred LSBs aren't accurate afterall.
I have not been charged yet either...no worries.
Edit: My status has changed to order shipping soon on the SS website and I noticed a hold for the approx. amount on my checking account.
Hey KillKen, how long does it take you to get things from sideshow when they ship?
Got my tracking number...scheduled to arrive Wednesday.
I think I might have been the first order placed...haha.
I checked and the order was placed on the 24th.
Mine arrive tomorrow. Hopefully I can get home early.
Yep, it's a deposit. Not an extra fee. Unless you cancel of course, then you don't get it back...
Can anyone remember when they ordered the Ex if they paid a deposit? I can not remember .
If we did I just checked my invoice and it has not been deducted from my total bill.
Uhm, aren't SS's other LSBs accurate?
Yep, it's a deposit. Not an extra fee. Unless you cancel of course, then you don't get it back...
Can anyone remember when they ordered the Ex if they paid a deposit? I can not remember .
If we did I just checked my invoice and it has not been deducted from my total bill.
I haven't seen the amount come out of the account yet, but I definitely paid the NRD on my order.
Talk to SS if you have an issue, they will certainly help you out if you have been charged too much.
Well, my Pred is on the road! Wednesday or Thursday for me.
Looking at my invoice email, it reads:
Sub Total: $349.99
Discount: -$0.00
Freight: $74.84
Sales Tax: $0.00
Invoice Total: $424.83
A bit of info left out there SideShow? If they are gonna charge a NRD they should have that in the invoice to avoid any confusion.
So they have not deducted it then............ or does a NRD mean exactly what it says you ain't getting it back either way ?