Predator Legendary Scale Busts

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I paid £26 although i did you 100 in points dunno if that makes a difference?

Cheers mate. Do you mean you used 100 sideshow points for part payment? Sorry I'm not really clear. If that's the case it might affect the total statue price but not the value which is what ss includes on the customs slip taped to the top of the box? 26 pounds is around what i've been paying but 72 pounds what i got charged now and thats almost 3x that... Not pleased at all.

I'll send you a PM in a minute just so we don't get folks distracted from the main topic here.

If there are any other UK freaks that ordered to EX, I'd love to hear from you re what Fedex charged you for customs, please.
Cheers mate. Do you mean you used 100 sideshow points for part payment? Sorry I'm not really clear. If that's the case it might affect the total statue price but not the value which is what ss includes on the customs slip taped to the top of the box? 26 pounds is around what i've been paying but 72 pounds what i got charged now and thats almost 3x that... Not pleased at all.

I'll send you a PM in a minute just so we don't get folks distracted from the main topic here.

If there are any other UK freaks that ordered to EX, I'd love to hear from you re what Fedex charged you for customs, please.

Not the UK (Ireland) but I also got an invoice out of the blue from them a week after I received my bust.

Disbursements out of the scope of EU Vat - 48.93

Clearance Administration Charge Vatable at 21% - 10.00

Vat at 21% - 2.10

Total Amount Due - €61.03

Previously I was done for about €30 import tax so I rang Fed Ex and told them to _____k off. I received a letter the next day insisting that they would issue legal proceedings if I didn't pay within seven days. I haven't and they can still _____k off :mad:
Not the UK (Ireland) but I also got an invoice out of the blue from them a week after I received my bust.

Disbursements out of the scope of EU Vat - 48.93

Clearance Administration Charge Vatable at 21% - 10.00

Vat at 21% - 2.10

Total Amount Due - €61.03

Previously I was done for about €30 import tax so I rang Fed Ex and told them to _____k off. I received a letter the next day insisting that they would issue legal proceedings if I didn't pay within seven days. I haven't and they can still _____k off :mad:

Okay, so that's two of us. So thats three of us in the uk/Ireland area and we each get charged 3 different prices by Fedex for a statue of the same value that should have the same volumetric weight and should be charged the same import duties. 26 pounds, 61 euros, 75 pounds. Does Fedex use some kind of arbitrary standard to charge?

Is there anyone else affected, please?

Md99 I'm sending you a PM in a minute. Cheers mate. I kind of assumed this was a mistake when I first got the letter. Fedex seem to be taking this seriously as I've now gotten a second letter so I've got to act
I've sent you a PM back if it is any help. Let me know if you got it, doesn't show up in my sent items folder for some reason.
And now the trouble begins! I honestly thought mine was 100% complete but now I've found there is one (1) single quill missing from the lower part of the Predator's chest! The repsonse from Sideshow says they'll either have me return it for a full refund (since there are no replacements left) or accept a $45.00 partial. Did anyone who destroyed their statue for a replacement bother to keep any spares? Please let me know because I hate the prospect of never seeing this piece completed.


I have a lot of extra quills if anyone needs them.
Are the quills about the same size as the ones on the CM Predator? Both my LSB and CM Predator arent on display ATM so I can't really say. Anyway I know Dan from talked about a cheap replacement quill remedy. The review is on YouTube (I'm not sure the exact time stamp he discusses quill replacement), it might be useful for those looking for spare quills locally...
Just scored an Exclusive Edition for $320 + $59 shipping from the U.S to Canada.

Hopefully it will come without any flaws. Although the eBay seller did state they deal with SS directly and that any defects will be replaced and dealt with free of charge. *Fingers crossed*
Previously I was done for about €30 import tax so I rang Fed Ex and told them to _____k off. I received a letter the next day insisting that they would issue legal proceedings if I didn't pay within seven days. I haven't and they can still _____k off :mad:

:rock Woo hoo!!

Is there anyone else affected, please?

Well not from the EU or IRE but Indian customs are a PITA too!
They charge ridiculous fees for any product using some unknown formulae. :dunno
Thankfully, I'm yet to go through somethin' like that.

I have a lot of extra quills if anyone needs them.

Duly noted, bro! :hi5:

Just scored an Exclusive Edition for $320 + $59 shipping from the U.S to Canada.

Hopefully it will come without any flaws. Although the eBay seller did state they deal with SS directly and that any defects will be replaced and dealt with free of charge. *Fingers crossed*

All tha best with it dude. Makes sense to order it from a retailer if its being shipped overseas.

Just scored an Exclusive Edition for $320 + $59 shipping from the U.S to Canada.

Hopefully it will come without any flaws. Although the eBay seller did state they deal with SS directly and that any defects will be replaced and dealt with free of charge. *Fingers crossed*

Best deal ever. Congrats bro! It's a bloody steal at that price + shipping...
Are the quills about the same size as the ones on the CM Predator? Both my LSB and CM Predator arent on display ATM so I can't really say. Anyway I know Dan from talked about a cheap replacement quill remedy. The review is on YouTube (I'm not sure the exact time stamp he discusses quill replacement), it might be useful for those looking for spare quills locally...

you have a CM Pred just sitting in a box? :slap
Is it a surprise? :) Mine has been sitting in the box since day 1, which is 15 months ago. Took it out on the first day and made sure everything was in excellent shape. Just no space to display it. I got it from CM directly.

BTW, there is a paint chip inside the mouth and a missing quill on my predator LSB. Contacted Sideshow, and now just waiting for a decision from their return department. Other than those flaws, mine looks really good. I love this little guy and can't wait to display it with the CM predator (when I move to the new house of course).
I just don't get ppl that would spend over $2k for something when they know they don't have anywhere to display it and it sits in a box for years. Why not just buy something you can either display or use the money elsewhere. Such a waste imo.
It happens, brother. Deal ^_^

We aren't complaining, plus if I had the space right this minute it'll be on a pedestal next to the LSB. it's mostly a space issue, moreover if we all had to wait till it was extremely convenient to get the pieces we want whilst spending money on other bits in the mean time, some of us would be stuck on Bowen minis.

Not that there's anything wrong with Bowen minis...

Anyway when I see a piece I've been looking for forever, I buy first and ask questions later. The CM Predator is one such piece. A mint CM Predator shows up once every couple years in the UK... If even that. It would have been a shame to let it go then simply because I couldn't display it at the time.

Hope this clears your confusion.
I just don't get ppl that would spend over $2k for something when they know they don't have anywhere to display it and it sits in a box for years. Why not just buy something you can either display or use the money elsewhere. Such a waste imo.
Completely agree

..unless I just happen to walk by somewhere and see it after it's been sold out for years, and impulse buy it. But even then, I'd have a place to put it within a month or two.

I'd hate to be able to afford one, and have space for it, and know that some people are just letting it sit in it's box..
ha, trust me, I'm far from confused. You guys do whatever you want with your money. If you have room for the giant box that it's in, you can make room for the piece itself.
Same here. If I wait till I have the space to display it, I am not sure if I will be able to find one or willing to pay more than retail to get it.
Geroge from CM called me and told me that was the last one they had. I couldn't let this one get away. :)