Does anyone know of where the best reference pics are for Predator 1? I would like to pain the helmet as close as possible to the film.
Bigbadtoystore is one of the best shipper I have ever dealt with.
I know this has been brought up before, but for accuracy, weren't the actual bio lenses reflective black, but they just looked kinda chrome in some scenes? I know a lot of previous manufacturers made the P1 Bio with chrome lenses, but I think every close up shot of the Bio looks to be black lenses. Or is it the other way around, they were chrome, but looked black? I can't remember....
It just had me thinking why a lot of companies did chrome lenses. HCG did chrome, SS did chrome on the old SWS maquette as well, but a lot images look more black cause I will either be going black or chrome for my lenses on this bust. I'm not sure. Winston obviously never felt the need to tell any of those companies the lenses were anything other than chrome, so.......